~Chapter 58~

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The next day

Kristina's POV
The whole day, we were just doing normal stuff. Nothing special happened that day, before we went to bed the next night. I needed to go to the bathroom around 2:15 am, and then I could hear Alex and Joanna talking in their room. I stood outside to see if I heard what they were talking about. When I realized what they were talking about, I went to wake up Dory.

"Dory! They are planning to make us do something", I told her.

"What are you talking about? What time is it?", she asked.

"It's 2:30 or something", I said.

"But what are you talking about? What do you mean they are planning to make us do something?", she asked.

"Come on", I said and dragged her out of the room.

We stood there for a while listening.

"Are you sure they're gonna do it?", we could hear Alex ask Joanna.

"Of course, if we threaten them", Joanna answered.

"They're gonna hate us", he said.

"They always tell us that they care about us and that we feel like their family, if they're telling the truth then they don't care how much harm we do", Joanna explained.

Dory needed to sneeze. She tried to hold it back, but she couldn't. She didn't sneeze that loud, but they heard it.

"Did you hear that?", we could hear Joanna ask Alex.

"Oh fuck", Dory whispered underneath her breath.

We tried to sneak back to our room, but their door opened.

"What are you doing here?", Joanna asked.

"Ummm.. we- we were going to the toilet", I answered.

"Both of you?", she asked.

Dory nodded.

"How long have you been standing here?", Joanna asked.

"Not a long time, we were going to the toil-I started.

"Kristina", Joanna interrupted me.

"What?", I said.

Joanna grabbed our hands and took us into their room.

"What is going on?", Dory asked.

"Sit down", Joanna said.

We sat down and Joanna took up a gun.

"What have you heard?", she asked.

"What do you mean?", I asked and tried to get up from the bed. But she held me back.

"I'm not gonna ask you again.. are you gonna answer me?", she asked.

Dory was always the obedient one, so she answered.

"You're gonna force us to do something we usually wouldn't want to do", she said.

"What else?", Alex asked.

"Nothing", Dory said.

"Tell me the exact same time you came here", Joanna demanded.

"I came here around 2:20, and then I went to wake up Dory", I told her.

"If I find out you're lying, I'll kill you.. and I mean it", she said.

Dory and I looked at each other.

"Let's invite them to the conversation about the train murder", Joanna told Alex.

"Wait.. what? Train murder? You're gonna force us to kill someone?", I asked her.

"Fuck", Dory said.

"Shut up and let me talk", Joanna said.

"Hey hey, calm down", I said. Dory looked shocked at me.

"There's someone we want dead, and you two are gonna kill them for us", Joanna said.

"No way", I said.

"Yes way", Joanna said.

"What the fuck", I were thinking.

"Show us that we can trust you, if you don't.. then we will not need you anymore", she said.

I could see she would kill us if we didn't.

"Fine", Dory said.

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