~Chapter 182~

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Joanna's POV
The next day, I woke up Violet at 10:00 am. She had a long night and slept long that day.

"Violet, honey, someone is here to pick you up", I told her.

"Mom!", she happily ran out of bed.

"No, sweetie, it's not-", I started.

But she didn't listen. She got so happy, and thought her mom was here. I followed her downstairs.

"Wait, Violet", I said.

Violet stopped right up when she saw the women from the child welfare.

"Wait.. Joanna, who are these people?", she asked.

"Honey, I'm so sorry, I hate to tell you this but.. your mom is dead", I explained.

"Wait what? What do you mean she's dead?", she asked.

"I mean.. she's in Heaven with your dad.. they're both so happy to see each other again", I told her.

"But who are these people?", she asked.

"They are here to take you to your new home", I smiled with tears in my eyes.

"What? No I don't wanna go, I wanna stay here", she told me.

"You do? Ah, I'm sorry sweetie, but I don't think I can be a good mother to you", I explained.

"Mommy, please", she begged.

"Okay, fine, but just for tonight.. or a week, we'll see", I said.

She hugged me. I could see the women didn't know what to do.

"Um.. excuse me, you already said you don't think you can be a good mother to her, you shouldn't have her here", one of them said.

"Oh I will", I said.

"If you keep resisting then we're gonna have to call the police", the other one said.

"Go on, call them.. cause I am the police! And my husband is the captain! So call them, and we'll see how that ends", I warned them.

"Sorry, ma'am", she said.

"Come on, Samantha, let's go", she turned around and walked right out of the house.

"No, we can't leave without the child.. it doesn't matter if Mr and Mrs Murphy are cops.. and by the way, aren't that the woman from the news? The woman that kidnapped those girls", Samantha dragged Violet out of my hands and disappeared out of the house.

Violet screamed and tried to resist.

"No! Mom!", she screamed.

"It's okay, Violet! Just know that you will be avenged!", I yelled.

Suddenly, Dory and Kristina came.

"You did the right thing, mom", Kristina hugged me.

"Woah, I didn't know my plan would turn out that good", I told them.

"What? What plan?", Dory asked.

"To manipulate you", I explained.

"What the hell do you mean?", she asked.

Kristina just looked nervous at me, and then at Dory.

"Oh shit.. you don't really love us, do you?", Dory asked.

"Well of course not! Sorry girls, but I don't have empathy for children.. anymore", I explained.

"That's not true.. I know it's not", Kristina said.

"Then why did I murder Sophia? And why am I torturing the shit out of both of you every time I don't get things my way?", I asked.

"Because you're sad! You're not really evil, Joanna! I know you're not!", Kristina explained.

"Because I feel sorry for you after almost killing you? And murdering your parents? That was all an act, you stupid child!", I told her.

Tears flowed from her eyes. And Dory's too.

"Joanna, we trusted you", Dory explained.

"Yeah I know! That was the point.. and now that I've exposed myself, then I think this is the time where I do the thing I should have done almost 2 years ago", I took up my gun and aimed it at them both.

They put their hands in the air.

"Joanna please, I'll do anything", Kristina cried.

"Nah, I don't think so", I said.

"Joanna, I'm your daughter!", Dory cried.

"I don't care!!", I yelled.

"All this was for nothing! I shouldn't gotten too attached to you, my goal was to ruin your lives, not brighten them! And I think this is what ruins your lives.. make your hearts full and then break them. This is what you get for not helping me with that guy I was talking about when we first met", I explained.

"We helped you later after you kidnapped us! What was so important with that guy? Huh? Are you hiding something?", Kristina asked.

"He was my father.. now you know.. so sit down, don't move and then you'll let me end this nice and peacefully", I demanded.

"Joanna, don't.. please.. I'll do anything, literally anything! Just don't kill us", Kristina begged.

"Say another word and I won't even ask you if you got any last words", I threatened her.

"Joanna-", Kristina said.

I shot her.

"No!!", Dory screamed and ran over to Kristina.

Suddenly, Alex came inside the house.

"What the hell is going on here?.. oh, have you told them?", he asked.

"Yeah, I have", I explained.

"Oh shit.. Dory, we'll give you a head start. But don't use your real name when you talk to people cause they can't know who you are, okay?", Alex grabbed her hand and followed her out to the hallway.

"Stay here, put on your jacket", he said.

Alex ran upstairs and came downstairs with her bag.

"I need you to call yourself Prynne", he handed her the bag.

I gave her some money and told her to go wherever she wants, but I gave a promise that I one time would find her and kill her.

Author's note
Thank you so much for reading this chapter, I really hope you liked it! Lucas helped me planning it.

-Kristina Leonora

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