Chapter 2: Persuasion

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Many thrusts were heard from training out in the woods and a lot of grunts from her thrusts emitted throughout the forest. "Hraah!~" An arm shot out in the air with its tight fist having a dagger in its grip and muscle exposed.

It shown Kai from afar, she was training, sweat rolled down her face and excessive panting was proof of how long she was out exercising. She performed a roundhouse kick then during the roundhouse she turned back around and jumped in the air with a diagonal spin. Her long black and spiked ponytail flailed gracefully, yet swiftly with her body movements. She trained for about two hours then finally took a break.

"Damn, I could really use some water right now..." she muttered while being out of breath, many years passed after she met with that tall and spiky-haired Captain, she trained hard since that day so she could have another fight with that man. She stuffed her daggers into her robes, then turned around only to bump into someone she had met a few years ago, Ikkaku Madarame.

"Yo! It's been a while!" he said loudly so she could hear, apparently he had been sitting on that giant rock watching her this whole time. As usual, his grin stretched pretty far, his zanpakuto was leaned up against his shoulder and in his arm crease.

"Tch- A while...? More like three years," Kai replied to his greeting with slight annoyance. She looked bored in her blazing-slitted eyes.

"I've been hearin' rumors in the Rukongai that you're a monster, I don't see how...really. Your eyes look intimidating, yeah, but that's the cool part!" he shouted to her then got accompanied by Yumichika, who sat next to him on the large rock.

"You know... Madarame, you're the first to think that I'm not scary..." she closed her gaze and stuffed her hands in her pockets.

"You are indecent for a woman but other than that you're not scary.~" Yumichika sang before looking over at his superior, Ikkaku.

"Why are you guys here, anyway...?" Kaiorin questioned with a bit of anger in her voice, she didn't understand the whole friendship concept.

"Our Captain wants to see how much you've improved over the years, we're just here to watch," He replied with a grin, while Yumichika just sat there smiling contently.

"REALLY?! YOUR CAPTAIN WANTS TO SPARE WITH ME?!" she exclaimed, with excitement suddenly appearing on her face, and saw the two nod, which only made her jump from glee. "WOOOOOOOOOO! HAHAHAHA! HELL YEAH, I'VE BEEN WANTING TO FIGHT THAT GUY FOR A LONG TIME!~" she roared out with a large and wicked smile plastered on her face, her eyes were slightly narrowed as well.

Ikkaku and Yumichika's gazes widened from her outburst but soon went back to normal. No one's ever wanted a re-match with their captain before, that was what surprised the two the most. Footsteps were heard brushing through the grass nearby and it made the two look in that said direction.

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