Chapter 22: The Meeting.~

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After everyone had left the throne room, Kai was the only one left. Nnoitra had to leave for whatever Aizen needed and was thrilled that she got to keep riding her bike. She turned towards her bike, made her way over, and hopped on, with thoughts of what Nnoitra said swarming her mind. Daomig'rah...huh...? Her gaze looked distant when she spoke in her mind. She sat there on the seat and had no intention of starting up her bike at the moment. How in the world... Am I a Princess...? Who is this Daomig'rah guy...and what is it, that Aizen needs me for...? she continued to ponder on the subject, trying to piece everything together.

Deciding to turn the key on her bike, she took off back down the hallway and went to look for the Espadas. Driving down a hall at a much slower pace than before, she drove past many doors and came across her room. Soon, she slowed down to a stopping point and sat there. She was glad she read through the manual to her bike, cause if she didn't..she probably...would have crashed it and ruined it. Stopping by her door, she opened it and walked her vehicle inside after getting off. It was sat on the side near her door before she turned and looked at her guitar with an amusing thought crossing her mind.

The goth soon made her way over to the said instrument, picked it up, and ran out of her room. Sprinting through the halls, she continued to try and find the room that Aizen was in. She knew that... wherever he may be, the others are surely there. The punk stopped in mid-pace at noticing a woman with long yellow hair, her white shirt barely covering her bust, a collar over half of her face, and the usual pants everyone there wore.

Just before Kai could mutter a word, the female Espada turned to face her and glared daggers at the goth. Her complexion was tan, with yellow eyelashes, and green eyes. "Where are you going...? Aren't you supposed to be in your room...?" the lady questioned with crossed arms in front. She noticed how the punk towered over her by five inches, wondering to herself how a woman could be so tall.

"I'm just looking for...Aizen..." Kai replied, with a small pause in mid of her sentence. She held onto her guitar tightly with her eyes looking away from the other woman and the yellow-haired Espada watched her, gradually moving her gaze down the item she held.

"Ah, hello Kai and Harribel.~" Morgus sang from behind the five-foot-nine Espada, making her turn to face him. Kai peeked around Harribel and spotted the raven-haired man, then squinted her eyes at the sight of him; this time, she didn't feel as angry as she used to. The goth made her way over to her brother with a scowl and punched the top of his head.

"Morgus, you idiot!" she shouted at the man, with white comical eyes and gritted teeth. Her strike was enough to make him lean over just a bit, albeit surprised. Fixing his posture, he stood up straight and looked at her questionably.

"You're not...mad...? I thought you would attack me on sight agai-" Before he got to finish his sentence, a punch went flying at his jaw only for him to evade it easily. "I knew you would eventually.~" he sang to her in amusement and chuckled lightly.

"Of course I'm mad! I have every right to be! WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME ANYTHING, BEFORE YOU BACKSTABBED ME A SECOND TIME?! I would have listened you bastard, we're friends-no... FAMILY! You're supposed to be able to talk to me about everything and so am I, to you!" she barked furiously as her eyes now gleamed and her veins revealed themselves.

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