Chapter 71: Competition.~

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Reicon...Ronin Reicon... Metal...Reicon... My dear bodyguard, I'm terribly sorry... Kisaki's disembodied voice echoed mournfully in the darkness and soon it showed the very woman laying on her back in Urahara's shop. Her hands neatly placed over her stomach, eye closed, a blanket over her and resting in a futon that seemed to be in an empty room. No windows, no light, just darkness...not even the door to the room, had light showing from under the crack. If only...if only you didn't get Hueco Mundo's fierce ruler... she added and not long did it show her hands clenching a bit. You were the only person, that truly understood my pain... After my husband died, after I had killed him...and my family provided me with you... I felt...a little relieved. You grew to understand my view of things, you understood my pain, my thirst for vengeance... You were always there by my side, protecting me when I needed it. You were no ordinary loyal bodyguard, it felt as if you held stronger emotions than mere loyalty... she added in her mind and reached into her robes without opening her eye or moving a muscle elsewhere.

Though...Kisuke Urahara...the boy whom I've only ever met when he was but a lad...opened my eyes... I've been killing innocent half-breeds and abnormal beings, without even rethinking my actions... Those who have the blood of more than one being, train to master their power and traits. Why...hasn't that ever occurred to me...? her questioning monologue echoed as she pulled out a communicator and held it to her violet lips. "Reicon...this is your mistress... Do not continue with our mission. not have to keep fighting...anymore... she began, then opened her crimson eye from side-view. Her slit looked full of emotion, sorrow, pain, and regret was one of the biggest emotions in there though. "Abort our mission, we no longer...have to hunt them down..." With that, the odd and small communicator she had in her hand, blinked as if sending the message. She lowered her hand, sighed, and shut her eye, before stuffing the item back in her robes. Her hair was beautifully sprawled out around her frame and the spider leg-like hair strands remained around her cheeks.

"So you decided, huh?" Kisuke's voice emitted and made her crimson eye open. He was standing in the doorway with a friendly smile on his face and arms crossed. "I see you finally understand, didn't take you long at all did it? I'm surprised, here I thought you would take a while.~" he added, causing the woman to chuckle once and roll her head to the side.

"My dear bodyguard should be of no trouble now... My communicator will send the message into his gigai, so that he can read it when he gets his chance..." answered the vampire, slowly sat up and held her forehead. Her revealing kimono that was cleaned up a while back, was on her. When she leaned over to hold her head, her chest was exposed a bit and that made the shop owner flap his fan open to hide.

"Well, thank you. Though, would you be so kind, as to cover yourself? It's rather distracting.~" he sang playfully whilst hiding behind his fan.

She looked down, shook her head, and straightened back up. "Forgive me..." that was all that came from her. Her seductive facade was but a mere cover-up, to hide the pain and to prevent any rise of caution from others; her voice expressed how she felt and he could hear it.

"I know what you're thinking... How could I ever atone, to my crimes? How could I ever make things right again? Well...that's simple," Kisuke spoke up and caught the woman's surprised attention, noticing her look at him so he could tell he was spot on. "Apologies, don't continue killing anymore, and live in a secluded life," he finished, unfolded his fan, and stashed it in his robes. "Also, if you ever want to see Reicon again, you must have a chaperon. You can't leave my shop without someone watching you... Earlier, the Head Captain contacted me saying that the vampires in the Seireitei have been dealt with. Everything's back to normal now, so he will allow short visits if you promise not to attack anyone and allow a couple of people to watch you," Finishing his sentence, he turned to face the door and said one last thing before leaving. "Head Captain Yamamoto cares about you... You were like a daughter to him after you became a part of his squad long ago. He's just trying to set you right again, so if I were you, I wouldn't ruin my second chance," he stated and left the room, leaving the woman there to ponder on her own thoughts. Her slit lowered, mourn still engulfed it and a shadow veiled over her forehead a bit.

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