Chapter 43: The need for knowledge.

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(Old note) A/N: Hey guys, I'm sorry if I got it all wrong! Like before, I tried remembering everything and it was a bit hard since I haven't watched it lately... Not having internet can do that... (Cries)


"You know... I find it funny, that we just escaped...and now we're going back in," Kai pointed out and had her arms behind her head, she and the others were following behind her. Through the hall, Captain Kurotsuchi, his Lieutenant, Dao, and Morgus all walked; her brother and great-grandfather were closer to her back than the Captain and his Lieutenant. Mayuri's cart was being pulled by the other woman, whose name has yet to be revealed...~

"Are you complaining...? Be grateful that I am even allowing you to take anything! " Kurotsuchi asked and kept his blank features towards her backside.

"Nope I'm not complaining bro, I just find it funny.~" she answered and heard Morgus snickering behind her. From hearing his muffled laughter, she rose a brow and looked over her shoulder. Dao was looking at him from his peripherals, mentally questioning the man.

Kurotsuchi just remained silent, unfortunately hearing Morgus stifle his laughter was making his temper rise and one eye twitch. "WILL YOU BE QUIET, SETSUEN?! HEARING YOU LAUGH IS UNNERVING!" he yelled and peered over at the said man, gritted teeth and all.

"F- Forgive me, Captain Kurotsuchi!~ I simply can't help myself, I can see the small irony in it.~ She worked on that plan for about a couple of days or so, kept the Espadas and their leader distracted until we managed to attach her belongings on her bike. So, suddenly having to return to Las Noches, was humorous!" he giggled and shut his eyes, with his head facing his sister's backside.

"As long as there is knowledge needing to be obtained, returning to a place you once came from should not be bothersome!" he rose his voice to the goth's brother and sweatdropped. "Aside from that... This is a change of topic, are you aware of the consequences upon returning to the Soul Society?" From his words, Morgus literally turned into an ice cube and froze in place. He fell behind the group, making Kai halt along with the others.

Oh my, how could I have forgotten...again?~ Sister told me of this yesterday. Morgus mentally stated and nervous sweat began to trickle down his forehead. After the ice broke, he smiled happily and giggled once more with a girly background appearing. "Of course, Captain!~ I could care less, as long as my sister is safe and I can still see her.~" he replied only to have his mood get ruined when Mayuri spoke.

"You will be in custody and held behind bars, for your treachery," the science man stated and moved his yellow gaze towards the man. The male half-breed walked past the Captain and ignored him.

"Hope the head Captain gives him a fair trial, Morgus just wanted me with him, really... He was told by Aizen, that he would be trained by him and it ended up never happening," Kai spoke and walked onward, having everyone else do the same.

"Either way, he will have to atone regardless," That was all the Captain answered with, making silence surround them and the awkward atmosphere rise.

After a while, they finally came across Szayelaporro's lab and noticed that it was a mess. Kai looked around, cracks and chunks of the walls were slightly there. "The hell...? Did some twister choose to come here and wreck the whole place...?" the woman questioned and crossed her arms.

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