Chapter 30: Evident Fear

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Snoring echoed through the halls just outside of Kaiorin's room and on the inside, it showed Dao sleeping similarly sprawled out like Kai. One arm rested over his eyes, his other dangled over the edge and his legs were separate. The goth stood in front of her couch with an irk mark on her head, she didn't look very pleased by how he just stole her sleeping spot. Shrugging, she walked out of the room and issued her thinking habit.

Damn it old man...that was my ONLY sleeping spot... Tch-...looks like I gotta find some other place... the goth irritably, mentally spoke. I wonder if Morgus has any room... she said in her head again, not realizing the dangers of sleeping with a dude. He's my bro, we used to sleep together out on the streets of the rukongai... So, now, wouldn't make much of a difference. Words added to her monologue during her walk through the halls.

Running into someone's back, she moved her arms down and backed up. "WATCH IT ASSHOLE, DON'T JUST STAND THERE IN THE MIDDLE OF THE HALLWAY!" the pink was too angry from the abrupt stop to even notice who it was and when she looked up, she saw Zommari with his back turned.

He looked over his shoulder to view her for a moment, then faced forward once more. "Forgive me...Princess..." that was all he said and turned to the side. He bowed slightly with one arm over his front and the other against his back, then closed his eyes so as to not meet her own. Her spiritual pressure suddenly rose with her veins evident, anger could be seen on her face when it contorted.

"DON'T CALL ME THAT!" The next thing he knew, he got punched in the face and caused his head to turn; it didn't hurt him but he wasn't expecting her to get pissed over something like that. "I'M ALREADY GETTING SICK AND TIRED OF THAT NICKNAME! Do I even LOOK LIKE A PRINCESS TO YOU?! NO- I DON'T!" she finished before marching her way down the path and grumbling.

He stood there, now watching her fade into the distance with visible shock on his face. It's hard to believe, that she hasn't killed any hollows... Especially when she's the hot-blooded type... (joke~) his mental words echoed and his eyes squinted at the thought, before turning the other way and sauntering down the hall.

Stomping her way, she had clenched fists and her reiatsu calmed down, her veins were still in view but she wasn't as angry as before. "I need a punching bag... Sadly the last one broke after I kicked it to the wall... At least, I think it did..." the goth spoke with disappointment then frowned, though, upon seeing Nnoitra walking her way an idea came to mind and made her grin.

Gilga was pacing her way, then soon noticed the goth fast walking to him...with the biggest grin ever. He rose a brow at her approach and frowned a bit, he knew something's bound to happen when she wears that signature grin...

"You're comin' with me, man!" she shouted with that wicked grin of hers, gripped onto his bicep, and tried to drag him with her. Keyword...TRIED...he just stood there watching her try and pull him; she only made her own feet slide, every time she'd try to walk forward. He smirked at her attempt, jerked his bicep out of her grasp, and made her arm fly ahead of her. "The hell!" Kai twirled to face the tooth-pick only to literally...come face to face with him.

He grinned at her, grabbed her neck, and slammed her onto the floor. Once he did, he got on top of her, held one wrist down while her other wrist held onto his gripped hand. "Szayel told me, that he saw a bit of fear in your eyes...when he pinned you before. He made sure that none of your body parts could be used to attack him," he mischievously stated, soon moving his own legs and setting them on top of hers. "Now I know, what you're afraid of.~" his grin grew larger and a faint...I mean faint, flush formed on his cheeks.

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