Chapter 74: A boy's Arrogance.

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(Old note) A/N: Hey guys, it's me again! I'm one chapter away from completing this story, I HOPE YOU LIKE THIS ONE!



Surprisingly, it only took a few days for the division to be made. Kai instructed and helped with creating the division's district since she wanted it to look the way she wanted it. It literally took little time at all to have it all designed and constructed, with her helping... She used sonido a lot, used her bankai to do a lot of lifting, and had Ryu help out. Everyone that helped, was amazed at how fast she with putting things together, and within those few days, Ikkaku rewarded her with something special...something...rather loving and sweet. It was at night, they were in bed and he just so happened to make his move.~ When Maiya learned from Shunsui, that Kisaki turned a new leaf and was under house arrest, she wanted to hunt her down...

Though after some hard convincing from Ukitake, she broke down into tears and cried. She wanted revenge over the woman but now, she forgives her for the evil actions she's made and never wants to see her face ever again. Right now, the said girl was in Kurotsuchi's lab, visiting Reicon who had just sent a message to Aurora. He had his mask on, but in his vision, words acted like they were being typed and an automated male voice was attached to the message. After he sent the message, an arrow in his sight was pointing to his right side and stated that Donieri was there. He looked over, stared down at her short, tiny frame, and nodded.

"Hey Reicon, how's it going?" she asked with a friendly smile and giggled. Knowing he was taken in by Mayuri, she figured he changed and hoped she could spark a conversation now. Seeing him nod again, she frowned then pouted. least you're more responsive than before... the girl mentally spoke and grumbled, thinking of how unfair it was to not be able to hear the cyborg talk. "I'm a part of Kaiorin's- I mean...Captain Koumetsu's squad! I didn't want to take the Lieutenant roll so...she's trying to find someone to fill it. She said she's got a huge list of people and so far, she said there wasn't anyone that fit the bill," Mai added to her words then frowned, before looking off to the side and watched Mayuri run around frantically. She rose a brow, looked back up at Reicon, and grinned. "So, why's he running around like that?" That caused the Cyborg to avert his attention from her and over to the scientist, then saw him raise an index finger to where his lips would be.

It was a shushing gesture, so she giggled at that and thought he was up to something. "You can send me letters if you wanna chat... Hm...I don't think my Captain will let me slack off though...she's strict! Man, Kaiorin's really taking her responsibility seriously! Ever since she got that rank, she set out a lot of rules and some of them are ridiculous!" she pouted cutely and whined with her mouth shut, whilst crossing her arms.

Reicon was apparently holding a hand-sized notebook, because he pulled it out from nowhere along with a pen and started writing something! That piqued Maiya's interest, she looked up at him and curiously blinked. Seeing him face the book towards her, she read it and it said...

Every person starts off with rough edges, give her time. What exactly are the rules?' she sighed and looked away after reading it, still pouting.

"Well, just a few unnecessary rules... Rule one: Keep practicing every day with your zanpakuto but never use your skills, unless you're fighting the Captain in training. Rule two: You can destroy anything you want, as long as you're the one to restore it back to normal or to replace it within a given deadline...lest there be a penalty. Rule three: Don't anger the Captain unless you want to be burned... Rule four: Don't be late for training or the Captain will make you work over your limit. Rule five: Don't treat the Captain like royalty or some high-class person, other than that you'll get along great," Maiya listed them off with a groan leaving her lips, before peeking her mauve eyes over to the cyborg and saw him staring at her with a sweatdrop. "The most ridiculous rules number six and seven... Number six: If you are to ever apologize to the Captain, be sure you bring some bone shards; and number seven: If you step in lava or get caught on fire, I'm' not saving you...because it was your own damn fault for getting into it," Maiya finished, then saw Reicon hold the bottom part of his mask as if he was trying not to laugh. Apparently, he thought the last one was funny... "It's not funny! Do you know how hard it is to keep all those rules in mind?!" Mai yelled, pounded her tiny fists on his bicep, and blushed embarrassingly.

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