Chapter 10: Secret Setup

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(Old note) A/N: Sorry for taking so long, as for the info though... I've decided to just let the story flow and see who she ends up with, instead of forcing two people who probably aren't really meant for each other. Someone once said that one's character can have a mind of their own; makes sense...since most of my characters tend to go far beyond even my own expectations XD


Kai was running down the paths of the Seireitei, hurrying to get to her dwelling. After a three-minute marathon, she skidded to a halt and looked up at the walls around her. Screw this... Better to jump walls and save time, than runnin' a muck through these roads... She sweatdropped and looked annoyed in the face, then jumped to grab a hold of the edge with one hand and pulled herself up easily, using that single arm. Once on top, she grinned then narrowed her eyes as a faint chuckle under her breath occurred. Jumping from ledge to ledge, and skipping over roads like the many times she had before.

In her peripherals, she saw Rangiku wave at her from afar, while trying to catch up. Kai paused in her jumping spree and kept on the edge, gazing at the blonde with a neutral expression. "Hey! There you are! I've been looking all over for you, it's almost sunset you know?!" Matsumoto hollered before grabbing one of the goth's biceps.

By her action, Kai jerked back in surprise with wide eyes. "The hell?! Don't go grabbin'' people all of a sudden!" exclaimed the punk and yanked her arm away roughly.

"Watch it, you almost pulled my hand off!" Rangi whined with a goofy, pouting look then smiled and slapped the goth's back... Which nearly made her stumble forward and fall off.

"You almost knocked me off the wall!" Her eyes went from normal, to comically white and angry, with sharp teeth.

"Well, it's not my fault that you weren't prepared for my slap.~ Now, come on! We gotta make it back before 11 o'clock!" she gleefully shrieked whilst clasping her hands together. The blonde grabbed Kai again by the same bicep and flash stepped out of view.

After a good ten minutes of the blonde flash-stepping, they had finally stopped in front of a wide dirt road, full of wandering people, lit-up lights, merchandise stands, and more. The streets weren't as crowded, children ran through the path and sometimes into other grown-ups. Everyone that would walk by her, would glance her way and grow a fearful look. Kai just grew more and more irritated by the minute, she disliked people who looked at her with fear.

The goth felt herself get yanked by the blonde and heard her say... "Come on! Let's go here!" Matsu pointed at a sale with an old man sitting on a big blanket and a small child standing beside him.

Once they both made it over, Kai looked down at the sale offers. There was a stack of strange cards with many different symbols and shapes. Looking over, she saw rectangular-shaped blocks that were stacked on top of each other.

Rangiku glanced at Kai and noticed her gazing at the little games that sat on the blanket, she smiled and knew why the Goth glared at them. "You want them?" she happily asked only to have the tomboy shake her head in response.

"What are they, some kind of man-made tools? Those...cardboard squares... Are those some kind of tickets or something?" she quirked a brow with a frown, clearly confused. Her question made Rangiku dramatically gasp real loud, with widened eyes as she leaned back in shock.

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