Chapter 3: Letters that smell of Death.

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Outside of her small house, birds chirped to the morning sun, rays beamed through the window, beautiful dew sparkled from the dawn, and...woke up a slightly cranky Kaiorin.

Loud comical crashes emitted from the outside of her house with a small quake every now and then. "WHERE THE HELL IS IT?! SH*T I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS! I'M GONNA BE LATE! FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!" she screamed at the top of her lungs while bypassers glanced her way every now and then; some people covered their ears or their child's ears.

Out came Kaiorin who bolted from her door, with a quick lock from the twist of her key. Her eyes were pure white with annoyance and rage while wearing her academy robe and her punk-Gothic attire. Having her black makeup, hair tied with her blood-red binding, and blood-red wrappings that resided under her clothing.

At the Academy, she had barely made it with two minutes remaining. Panting, she sat down in her seat, sighed in relief and some of her classmates whispered amongst themselves, with eyes darting her way. Kai had enough of all the gossip so, having woken up on the wrong side of the bed, she couldn't help but stomp her way over.

"Ok... Listen... I am...TIRED of all this bull every day, when I come into the school! Why are you guys talking about me behind my back?!" Kai raged at the few people who murmured about her.

"Erm... Well... We never expected the Runkongai's demoness to join the Spirit Academy..." A small but snobbish girl had her eyes closed and a hand out in a mocking gesture. The goth, taking offense to it, dropkicked her to the ground and walked back over to her desk, hearing a satisfying squeal from the brat.

Today...are the finals... Tomorrow... I get to see which squad I'm in...knowing I'd be graduating early since how much I already knew before attending this hell hole... she noted in her mind before her thoughts got interrupted by a random delivered letter on the side of her desk. Even though this school had a delivery system that only happened in the mornings, before the first period, not once had she gotten any writings. Curious, she picked up the letter then opened it only to find a kiss mark with a man's cologne on it. Why the-... It smells like...death...Why? she mentally pondered with a risen eyebrow. Her gaze lowered to see who it was from, but all it said was... To: My Princess, from your secret admirer.~

Why...of all things...and damn, why the hell does that person have some cologne on that smells like death?! she spat in her mind, with a quirked brow and upper lip while one of her eyes twitched a little. A sigh escaped her black lips then composed herself, gathered her utensils, then waited for her classes to end.

Eight hours later, she was making her way to her home with the letter in hand. No one in their right mind would ever confront her with confessions... Let alone feel anything for her, since she's such a brute that acts mostly as a guy.

She huffed in annoyance from knowing that the letter came from someone unknown to her, she had never gotten this kind of letter before... Aside from blackmail when she was younger. She looked up then noticed she wasn't too far from her house and seeing it, made her speed up.

Coming into her house, it seemed everything was dandy until she set her eyes on something rather...unexpected. Another damn letter... She made her way over to the table that sat against the wall which was under the window, opened it up and it had that same scent as before from the last letter waft into her nose... Death and this time, there was no kiss mark. "Alright... Since I'm home..." she trailed off irritably and looked around.

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