Chapter 9: A trainer and a mental breakdown

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"No-..." Kai's voice was heard, her face contorted with annoyance the entire time.

"C'mon on, Koumetsu... Ya can't be sittin' around all day. Especially not after you just got your released form!" Ikkaku shouted, trying hard to convince Kai to go out.

"NO! I AM NOT GOIN OUT AND DRINKIN', THAT'S FINAL!" she replied in a rather pissed-off way. Seeing Ikkaku grin that terrifying smirk of his, Kaiorin knew he wasn't going to give up.

"Ya' chicken...? Have you ever had a drink before? Sake, whiskey...alcohol?" he asked her as he inched closer to her. He held his sword against his shoulder, a sake bottle in the other hand, and had a hint of pink on his cheeks symbolizing that he was a bit drunk.

"You're drunk... One of the reasons why I refuse to drink is because-- It affects the health of the body and reduces one's ability to fight straight; I WILL NOT GO DRINKIN'!" she yelled in response with eyes comically white and narrowed while one of them twitched.

"Ikkaku, if she doesn't want to go out then don't force her... It's not like we can't find anything else to celebrate with. I'd prefer to celebrate the moment when she gets her shikai.~" Yumichika spoke with his eyes closed, as he was leaning against a nearby wall. "Besides, I highly doubt our Captain would like hearing all this bickering... Especially early this morning...." he opened his eyes to look over at the two after adding to his speech.

"Yeah?! Well, tell this guy, to get off my ass about goin' out DRINKIN'!" Kai pointed at Ikkaku after turning her body toward Yumi. It was clear that anger was building the more Ikkaku insisted on the drinking offer.

"Well, if you weren't such a wuss and actually took a sip or two, YOU MIGHT ACTUALLY, CHANGE YOUR MIND!" the baldy rose his voice to Kai with the last sentence, and his face was a bit red from rage; narrowed and white like Kaiorin's.

"It's amazing how you two are so similar. Except, one's crazier than the other," Yumi's eyes shifted to Kai, after mumbling that last part.

"At least crazy is more exciting and less boring!" the goth spat while hysterically jerking her underarms, up and down with fists tightly clenched.

Interrupting their rant, Kenny came rushing the office door open. The three in the room just stood there, watching their Captain glare at them. "Cut it out, it's too damn early for this...!" yelled Zaraki only to be met with silence. He made his way over to his desk and plopped down in a none-too-happy manner.

"Got some news for ya, Koumetsu... Everyone will have their eye on you from now on. The Head Captain demanded that everyone keeps a close watch on you when you're around them... Also, I just got back from talking with the old man, he wants you to meet him in his office... Why? I don't know and I could really care less, but I wouldn't keep him waitin'." he spoke to the goth before giving a death stare at his stacks of paperwork. If those papers had legs...they'd run and scream in horror.

"You mean... I get to meet the Captain of ALL Captains?! I heard he was strong.~" She drooled from the thought until Kenpachi snapped her out of it.

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