Chapter 29: His sorrowful past...

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Sounds of feet patted against the floor with two pairs of them in side-view walking, one pair was a little bit behind and the other was pacing faster. Kai was shown in her white attire, her blood-red wrappings back on, her makeup plastered, and her hair up once more. Daomig'rah, as bare as before, kept a steady pace behind her and his lava slits were glued to her backside. Damn, I'm glad I put this coat around my chest... THAT DAMNED LAVA BURNT OFF MY RED WRAPPINGS AND HAIRBAND, I FUCKING KNEW IT! she mentally shouted and wasn't not even paying attention to where she was going, her arms were behind her head staring up at the ceiling.

"Are we almost there....?" the dragon himself asked with an unamused expression. Wow, he even has her attitude... Kai raised the back of her hand and waved it softly before speaking.

"Yup," That was all Kai said, and refused to look at him since he was naked. "Doesn't it bother you, man...? Being naked and all, around a woman...?" she asked, watching as the tiny specks on the ceiling scrolled past her slits.

"Hardly..." he simply replied, while closing his eyes in a calming and confident demeanor.

The goth rolled her slits down and noticed one of the Espada making their way down the path, it was Szayelaporro striding down in their direction. He squinted his yellow and smirked at seeing Daomig'rah...butt naked and appearing careless. "Hey, pinky..." the punk muttered, not really caring about anything at the moment. She dropped her arms and stuffed them in her pockets, walking past the said man. What she wasn't expecting, was for Daomig'rah and Szayel to give each other a staring contest. She looked over and watched their little contest as if they were rivals...not really processing, that she was looking at the naked Daomig'rah.

Kai eventually grew irritated with the silence and walked in between them with a raise of both of her hands. She gripped onto the back of both of their heads and banged their foreheads harshly together. "WHY THE HELL ARE YOU GUYS JUST STARIN' AT EACH OTHER?!" she angrily yelled, causing the scientist to flinch and look over at her. It didn't hurt either of them when she did that but it sure did get their attention.

The Espada smirked and stared at her then back to Dao, glancing between them over and over as if comparing the two. "Are you perhaps, Daomig'rah?~" he finally spoke, making the dragon nod stoically and keep his gaze glued to his face. "Excellent! Lord Aizen mentioned that he and a few others were going to resurrect you. I never thought...that you'd be so similar in appearance, to Koumetsu here.~" he mused while adjusting his glasses and had a grin play at his lips.

"She is my great-grandchild... It is obvious, that I am going to appear similar to her..." Dao answered easily and not once did his expression change, he simply stood there as Kai kept her attention on everything else but him.

"Can he put some clothes on now...?" the goth asked irritably with her eyes shut again, clearly not enjoying the fact that she couldn't look at him.

"Of course, lord Aizen has asked me to prepare the same type of material I made for you, for his clothing!" Szayel replied promptly then shifted in his feet. "Good day, lord Daomig'rah.~" Szayel bowed to his waist then rose back up to face Kai. She quirked a brow at him wondering what on earth he was thinking...

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