chapter 7:Release and a Discovery

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(Old note) A/N: Thank you all, who've read this! And thanks to the reviewers and people who favored this story as well as putting me on alert, this story has a long way to go before finishing, haha! I HAVE A LOT OF PLANS FOR KAIORIN HAHAHA XD!

Do enjoy, also let me know if I've made any of the bleach characters- a bit O.O.C; don't like having anime characters being out of character...


(Here's her character theme! The song explains her to the T!)

"HRRAAAAAAH!" A strong and deep woman's voice echoed through the air and showed the top of a forest, while a few metallic sounds emitted from the distance as if metal collided with metal.

Kenpachi rose his sword to block Kai's aerial strike with one of her daggers, Ikkaku and Yumichika were both sitting on the sidelines watching the fight. Her long ponytail flailed in the air rapidly from the force as the goth kicked her legs in the air and swung one foot into the side of Zaraki's head, with brute force.

It sent him skidding across the ground; her wildfire-like reiatsu was larger than usual, which made her clothes and hair wave upward with the flames. She sprinted after Kenpachi in the middle of his skid with her arms swinging back and forth and jumped high in the air with her arms up. Her knees were brought up to her chest, while her crazy grin and wide eyes gave away her delight.

She was about to stomp Zaraki into the ground with both her feet until he rolled out of the way to avoid the heavy landing. Kenpachi instantaneously stood up and twirled his sword around, to slice at her.

She twirled, doing the same only to make their blades clash. With her other hand, the goth went to grab his blade and kept the dagger in her hand. Dropping to the ground, her leg rose up to kick him from underneath.

He was sent into the air by her force; she quickly jumped into the air, then when she got high enough she twirled swiftly and rammed her tibia into his stomach. Zaraki grunted before crashing heavily into the surface below, making the ground around him quake and chunks uproot.

Kai was in mid-air when Kenpachi flashed behind her with the same insane grin she had. Both Kenny and Kai had blood trickling down their skin, with cuts and bruises here and there. Kenny grabbed her ponytail and jerked her back, chucking her through the air and making her roughly scrape across the ground just as he did when she hit him.

She spun and bounced repeatedly through her skid, much like a ball with a long string attached. Laying there on the messed-up ground, the dust cleared up after a bit then showed Kai lifting her legs up above her. Noticing Kenny dropping down at her, she kicked her legs out to hit his abdomen and knocked him away. Luckily it was enough for her to stand back up in time before he came back. Kenpachi laughed like a maniac while Kai giggled like a mad woman, eyes wide and teeth clenched.

They both stood there glaring at each other, then both vanished from thin air and a few seconds later, more metallic sounds occurred. Once again, the goth crashed into the ground by Kenpachi, making the ground crush up like last time only this time..she wasn't able to move. Her arms were outstretched, her legs were spread apart and her ponytail snaked behind her- above her head.

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