Chapter 14: Traitors

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(Old note) A/N: I'm sorry it took so damn long, I had to revise all 16 of the chapters in my book, on fictionpress... Please forgive me! Having daily things in real life does take this kind of time away... T_T I'm sorry.

As promised, here is the better... Chapter. .-.


The outside of Kai's apartment was shown, as her neighbor who just so happened to move in a while back, gradually went upstairs. He held groceries in one arm and appeared to be having a great day. Birds chirped, lovely music notes danced around his head and he was about to open his door until... BANG! Kaiorin's door opened with one harsh kick on its structure.

Hard rock music played and crushed the little peaceful notes, making them fall on his head and causing him to wince at her outburst in shock. She bolted out of her dwelling and out onto the pathways in a rush. The goth was heading toward her Captain's quarters when out of the blue, a guy from the fourth squad rammed into her and made her fall flat on her face.

The goth turned around and faced the person, making his head back up a bit then gaze at her with wide eyes. Kai stood there with fury as the look on her face gradually appeared bored. They both stood like that for about a minute until she broke the silence. "Watch it..." Kai didn't much care about it since she knew he wasn't hostile, to begin with.

"You should be the one to watch it! Besides I'm in a hurry!" He ran around her only to get grabbed by the back of his collar and yanked back into his previous spot.

"What's going on, man?" After grinning dangerously, her eyes squinted and a shadow veiled over her gaze. "Cause, I feel strong spiritual pressure nearby...~" She giggled like a madwoman under her breath and caused the guy to flinch.

"Wait, hasn't anyone told you?" he questioned with a quirked brow after the realization hit him.

"Heh...?" Now it was her turn to raise a brow. She planted her hands on her hips and tilted her head to the side, in confusion. "I was knocked out for three damn days, so no-... No one's told me anything about how this whole Ryoka thing getting resolved," she answered with her strong and deep voice as her lava slits bore into his.

"Well... A lot happened, in three days... Where to start...?" he trailed off in thought but got interrupted by Kai's voice.

"Anywhere is fine, just fill me in!" Her patients ran thin with her urge to run piqued her more and more.

"Ok- ok! Jeez... Captain Aizen appeared to be murdered and suspicion rose, Momo is now in custody for attacking Captain Hitsuguya, blame has been pointing to Captain Ichimaru and Rukia has been saved. As far as I've heard, the council was found dead too..." he explained from what he knew so far. Kai just stood there with an unfazed expression, clearly thinking, with boredom evident on her face.

"Who's Rukia and Momo...?" she questioned the stranger, making him comically fall backward and stand back up in a rush.

"You've never heard or seen them?! Rukia is Captain Kuchiki's little sister and Momo was in love with Captain Aizen! How could you not know about them?!" he roared out from surprise with the punk's features still unchanged.

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