Chapter 51: Signs of a new threat...

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Everyone in the second division trained their butts off, sparring, practicing combos, and sharpening their senses by focusing their attention on their surroundings. Soi-Feng waltzed up in front of the session and put her hands behind her back, whilst having a strict face. "ALRIGHT LISTEN UP! TOMORROW YOU ALL WILL BE GIVEN A TEST, TO SEE WHAT YOU'VE LEARNED! IF YOU DON'T PASS IT, THEN YOU'LL BE PRACTICING FOR A WHOLE TWO MORE MONTHS BEFORE TAKING THE TEST AGAIN! Now, you're all dismissed!" she announced, making her students salute and all shout Yes Ma'am. Everyone dashed off to their desired destinations, while Haro just remained in his place and smirked. Soi-Feng scowled, grumbled, and gave him a deadly glare. "Tatsibura, I have dismissed you... Now leave!" she strongly shouted only to earn a chuckle from the said Vampire.

"Oh Captain, you're so cruel!~ I just wanted to see your cute and angry face, before I leave!~" With those words, his Captain grew furious and sprinted after him. He ran away laughing, flash-stepping, and was...outrunning her? His Captain chased after him whilst mentally questioning his true speed, he kept evading every swipe she'd swing.

Maiya watched from on top of the roof, wide eyes and mouth agape. Haro no, don't expose yourself! If you run faster than her, then she'll notice something's off about you! she panicked in her head, whilst clenching her tiny fists and leaning forward slightly.

As if he heard her thoughts, he slowed down and kept laughing. This made him get hit at the back of his neck, sending him tumbling forward and into a wall. Soi-Feng halted her sprint and gazed at the nervously chuckling man in the small crater, who stuck to the inside upside down. "Tatsibura, start scrubbing the floors! Donieri, leave before you get the same fate!" angrily shouted the Captain and walked away, leaving the vampire in his spot.

After his Captain was out of sight, he hopped back up on his feet and chuckled. Maiya stood in front of him after flash stepping and folded her arms, tapping her foot all the while. "Why must you be a flirt...? Koumetsu is the biggest crush you've ever really had and here you are, trying to flirt with another... Besides...YOU ALMOST EXPOSED YOURSELF! What would happen if you did, huh?! Kisaki will have our heads if she were to be-" she got cut off by Tatsibura's hand when he covered her mouth.

She gave him a quizzical gaze until he put a finger to his lips and gave her a serious look; seeing her nod, she too had a strict look in her eyes. Pulling his hand away, he looked around and felt an odd presence. "I forgot to mention... Setsuen, he wants you dead so be on your toes," she warned in a whisper as low as she could, making him nod once more and not once change his stern face.

"Oh my, what's this?~" A muscly voice resonated from nowhere, making both of them dart their heads in several directions. "If I didn't know any better, I'd say you two are hiding something.~ And here I was, looking for Tatsibura, when I overheard you two talking. What is this Kisaki will have our heads and You almost exposed yourself, about?~"Morgus's question echoed around them and he was nowhere to be seen.

Maiya gripped her Zanpakuto and Haro pushed her back behind him protectively, he too gripped onto his Zanpakuto's hilt. "I truly have no idea what you're talking about, I was simply speaking about the store owner; saying that, she'd have our heads if we were found out that we worked there! We would have to quit our jobs if we were found out!" Haro explained and still looked around for Setsuen, his answer was persuasive but his eyes told that he was lying.

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