Chapter 45: The Truce

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In the darkness of her mind, nothing could be seen... Kai's body was the only thing visible in the darkness and she was laying flat on her back. "Kai..." Ryu's disembodied voice echoed and yearned to awaken her mistress. "Kai..." She tried again, still nothing...not even a stir. "Kaiorin...wake up." the dragon tried one last time and this time, it managed to wake her.

"W- Whaaaa...? What...happened...?" the goth asked and opened her slits slowly, they appeared dazed.

"Your great-grandfather knocked you out... We must speak, it's important..." the beast of a zanpakuto replied in a low and mournful tone. "Please, light up this we can see," her voice sounded serious but...with each word spoken, it seemed as if she was having a hard time breathing.

"Sure," That was all the punk answered with and stood to her feet. She closed her eyes, clenched her fists then sparked her reiatsu. The whole world lit up and it appeared the same as usual except...Ryu... Kai looked around, then saw her sitting up on the ledge as she had before. Her slits widened in shock...she didn't look very good... "H- Hey! The hell's wrong with you, why do you look...-" before she finished, Ryu fell onto her side and grunted. "What the-!" she shouted and used sonido, poofing next to the dragon's side and sitting on her knees. "Hey, what's wrong?!" she was panicking, something was obviously wrong with Ryu and she couldn't understand what it was...

"M- My mistress... why I wanted to speak with you..." the dragon's voice sounded pained; she opened her blazing solid eyes and gazed into slits, her solid ones looked...faded...a little and the flames on her body looked red...but not the lively kind of red. It looked like red flames that were dying, due to the lack of oxygen.

"Just tell me already, stop wasting your breath on words that can wait until you're better!" Kai shouted, her teeth were gritted into view and her eyes appeared wide from devastation.

" you remember, when I said fusing is life-risking...? I wasn't just talking about your own life..." she said and shut her eyes again, slowly breathing in and out.

"Wh- What do you..." Again, she got cut off...

"Every time we are to fuse...our mind and body become one... When mastered, our minds will be completely fused...but our bodies... When you take damage, so do I...and when you went to fight fused a second time... I tried so hard to prevent those dark spots from spreading...but I was too much in a weakened state, that it ended up spreading more than before. the one who tries to keep you alive, while we're fused. Though you and I both receive damage, it is equal between us...and now here I am...withering. Please, I beg of you mistress...don't use fusion for a while...the most you can do is use bankai...but even then, I must take it easy during the fight. Please...don't...I will die if you do..." Ryu finished and inched her head on the goth's lap, laying the tip of her mouth on it.

"R- Ryu... Fine, I won't... If it's risking your life too, I won't... I'll let you rest...but when you're healed...I want you to train me again," Her sad, low voice answered and she placed a hand on the side of Ryu's head, holding her.

" would be wise..." the dragon responded, feeling very appreciative toward the goth for allowing her rest.

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