Chapter 5: A reunion with a memory.

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A/N: The picture above, this is her in her full shihakusho xD

I haven't drawn or colored a picture of her in a while, so, I think that's pretty good.~ Though, I also think I made her eye a bit too big... idek. .__.


Jumping over paths within the Seireitei ledge after ledge, Kai was heading down to the training hall hoping for a spar with Ikkaku or Captain Kenpatchi. When she was about to hop over to the next ledge, some soul reapers below her would either get spooked or just not notice her.

~~~In the training hall~~~

"Oi, Yumichika! We should try and push Koumetsu to get her Shikai... Our Captain's gonna be pissed if she doesn't get it soon..." Ikkaku suggested, Yumichika who appeared sparring with a squad member using a bamboo training sword, turned his head just barely to get a glimpse of Ikkaku.

"I can't help to agree... I believe we have to push her over her limits, to get her shikai to form... Considering how much she loves to fight-" he was about to finish until he got interrupted by baldy.

"We've already seen Koumetsu fight our Captain... So, that can't be the best way to get her Shikai to form... Hmm... Wait! How about we BOTH fight her, at the same time?" the third-seat questioned while taking up a bamboo sword and facing someone.

Yumichika looked dumbstruck at the idea, one of his eyes twitched with an open mouth. "You're kidding me...right? That seems rather unfair, don't you think? A two vs. one....?" his expression changed, he looked more annoyed by the thought, since he knows that Kaiorin is still a rookie.

"HAHAHAHAHA! We're talking about Koumetsu here! She'd take any kind of fight she can get her hands on! Look at her...Yumichika, she practically begs for a fight every day!" he rose his voice and tried his best to hold back the laughter that would possibly make his gut bust.

Yumichika grew a sweatdrop down his head and seemed rather unfazed, by his blunt response. "That may be true...but we do have to think about squad eleven's rule. Don't interfere in another person's fight; meaning... A two against one is going against that rule. We'd be helping each other fight..." he closed his eyes then sighed. Crossing his arms, he made his way over to a nearby wall and leaned against it.

After a few more seconds of silence...the wall behind Yumichika crushed inward and got knocked down, sending him to the other side of the hall with a surprised, comical scream.

"I'M BACK- BITCHES!" Kaiorin shouted with a deep, strong voice after the dust settled and had a leg up in the air from kicking the wall down. Having that wicked grin of hers and narrowed eyes, made all the other men shudder.

"Really, Koumetsu...? You couldn't use the front door...?" Ikkaku asked and made his way over to the goth.

"I wanted to make my own entrance... Got a problem?" Kai questioned as she stood straight and planted her hands on her hips. Her head tilted back a bit with her eyes gazing down at Ikkaku. The said man's eyes twitched at her response ad caused an irk mark to throb on his bald head.

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