Chapter 37: Eavesdropping.

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Two pairs of feet patted against the floor, one pair was behind the other. Grimmjow was heading towards Szayelaporro's lab while carrying Kai in his arms and behind him was none other than the goth's great grampa Daomig'rah with his lava slits locked onto him; watching cautiously and making sure that no harm came to her.

A sneer was evident on the sixth Espada, his narrowed blue eyes looked annoyed, and seething "Why are you following me...?" he asked with anger behind his voice. Nothing but silence wafted around them only to be greeted by the patting of their shoes and bare feet. "Answer me dam-" Before he got to finish, Dao butted in with his low and strong voice.

"I am making sure...that my great-granddaughter, does not fall into harmful hands... Those dark spots on her skin, I am certain was not your doing. Those markings can only come from lava that has solidified slowly over time... I am curious of how those markings have appeared..." that was the previous ruler's reply. The said man looked around Grimmy and viewed those spots, noticing how they seem to be gradually fading.

He ignored the elder, came face to face with Szayel's door, rose a leg then kicked it down and waltzed right in like a boss; there laid a table with some chemical brewers near it, bubbling away. He placed her on top and stepped back, then stuffed his hands in his pockets. Dao walked over and leaned up against the wall next to the poor crumbled exit, folded his arms, and held his gaze upon the unconscious punk with a shade over his eyes.

The glow from his fierce slits pierced through the shadow and gave off an intimidating appeal. "Go on... I shall watch over her," he muttered and saw the Espada leave without an ounce of hesitation. I have been given life my own kin... Though Sosuke has claimed he brought her to my volcanic tomb, I cannot help but feel appreciative towards her more... It was her blood, she did it, she went along with that male and resurrected me... He only brought her to me...nothing more. If anyone dares to bring harm to her...I shall make them suffer slowly in my blaze...before killing them. his mental voice was dangerous and low, there was no ounce of uncertainty lacing his words.

With several hours passing, not once has he shifted in his position and soon the pinky came in with his arms behind his back. It didn't take long for his scorched body to rejuvenate after he was brought to the infirmary; small bandages covered his features. The said Espada sauntered on over to the table and held his slits upon the goth, taking note of the small darkened spots. A few were on the side of her waist, two on her stomach, four on her shoulders, and led up to her neck; two other spots were just barely visible on her face.

Szayel rose a hand and pushed up his glasses, examining all those spots with his signature smirk. "My, you sure do cause a lot of trouble, don't you? If it wasn't for Grimmjow, you would have been dead by now," he stated before focusing any further on her condition. He learned how she got knocked out when Barragan explained it to him. "Just by viewing those dark spots, I can tell that her body was solidifying. Magma hardens and soon becomes one with the surface, so if her body is made of lava due to her blood...then she would have died. She would have turned to stone if she wasn't knocked out in time...~" he spoke to no one in particular.

The scientist moved his hand over and reached for some tweezers, then leaned over Kai's form. Slowly, he peeled a piece of dead skin off the dark spot and put it in a thin glass container. Setting it aside from him, he looked her over again and had hidden thoughts swirl in his yellow eyes. "Seeing as some of those spots are now faint, it means her skin will heal on its own and I do not need to fix them. If one were to put hardened lava back into its molten form, it would eventually revert back to its previous state and combine with the substance.~" he finished and stood up straight.

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