Chapter 68: On the move again...

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After Daomig'rah had made it in the world of the living with Ikkaku, the old ruler himself opened a garganta and went into it. Now they were both seen, forming a pathway through the darkness in the surrounding area; the elder in front and Ikkaku behind him, carrying her luggage. Normally, I would fly through here in my true form... Using my reiatsu to form a path, is rather...pitiful... he mumbled in his head, squinted his eyes, and sweatdropped.

The entire trip was quiet, to say the least, Madarame didn't mind it at all really and soon it changed to show the inside of Las Noches, they were strolling through the halls with their eyes darting all over. "Huh, it's really white..." Madarame stated and had slightly wide eyes, he has never seen Las Noches before.

Dao ignored his comment, he was too focused on Kai's state right now. As they strode down that hall, someone very familiar came around the corner and caused him to stop in mid-pace. He squinted his eyes and held a tighter grip on the goth, though after the person noticed the elder they stood in their place and crossed their arms. "Espada..." he mumbled to himself and remembered her from when Aizen was around.

"Lord Daomig'rah...what brings you back?" the espada with yellow hair and eyelashes questioned, then spotted the unconscious goth in his arms. Her gaze narrowed at seeing her, she didn't really like her that much...

"I am here to claim Hueco Mundo as mine, once more...and my daughter here whom I have self-claimed her to be must rest here," he answered, making the espada grow cautious of him.

"I am now the ruler of Hueco Mundo, you no longer have that right..." she stated and glared strongly at the elder. The dragon only sighed and shut his eyes, he was actually growing tired of being the ruler anyway but he still has that sense of pride in him.

With a simple nod, he opened his gaze down to his Descendant and...his eyes held a fatherly expression. A small smile graced his lips at his own thoughts, thinking that he can finally be a father now...without needing to worry about the tasks of a ruler. "Then at least allow my descendant, to recover from her unconscious state. I am too old to continue ruling...I only wish to become the father I have failed to be, for her... Now...that I have time..." It kind of hurt him to say that, but he pushed his pride down to withstand it.

Tier Harribel shut her eyes and nodded, turned around, and replied. "There are two throne rooms, she can stay in one of them...seeing as she's the Princess... Now...follow me, I'll lead you to one..." answering the dragon, she began to pace forward and kept her arms folded.

The elder and Madarame both stared at her form until they both trailed after her. She led them to the second throne room, which had a single chair in a clearing and a long couch in the dark corner. (I don't know where that long couch that Aizen sat on, was, but I'm just guessing it's in the second throne room...) It was quite spacious and had plenty of room for Kai's stuff. "All three of you will be staying here, so don't cause any trouble..." That was all she said, before turning around and exiting the room.

Without a second thought, the dragon walked over to the couch and placed her on it. He gazed at her form with a bit of pain in his eyes, he truly wanted her to wake up soon... Ikkaku getting done setting up her belongings, the baldy strolled over and sat just at the end where her feet stopped. He leaned over, fixed his Zanpakuto by putting it over his shoulder, and rested his elbows on his knees. Unexpectedly, someone came into the room and rushed over to the goth. It appeared to be a nurse of some kind.

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