Chapter 44: Go crazy!~

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(Old note) A/N: I had to skip past the whole Aizen part, where Ichigo fights him. Sorry guys, but hey- I thought the ending was pretty sweet!~

Hope you enjoy this chapter, there is more plot coming up!~


A wicked grin present and shadow over her eyes, she kept using sonido until she got in both the Captain's views. Her reiatsu sparked and her veins gleamed, making all three of them stop. "HEY DIDN'T I TELL YOU NOT TO GET IN THE WAY?!" Kenny questioned and had Byakuya flash step in front of her.

"Leave now, you are not capable of this Espada's strength..." he said and had his bankai flew behind him.

"Who said I wasn't capable...? I don't give a damn, I just wanna play.~" After her words, she sonidoed and appeared high in the sky, descending just above Yammy's head. While falling, she took out her daggers and clung the hilts together. "BEAT'EM TO A PULP, HONOU RYU!" As if on cue, a sphere of hot flames emerged and spun all around her form. As soon as the fire ceased, the sound of whipping flames lashed out and she screamed out her attack in excitement. "TANKI-SHAAAAAAAAAA!" She shouted and spat fire out from each thrust, making a rapid flurry of fireballs rain from above; they hit Yammy's head, yet not even scratching him.

"You wanna play too punk?!" the Espada questioned angrily and swatted her down before she got to use her seismic punch on his head. She performed multiple backflips in the air and skidded to a halt, with both hands scraping against the ground.

"HELL YEAAAAAH, HAHAHAHAHA!" she shouted in reply and brushed off her white sleeveless coat, put both knuckles in front of her then did as before. She moved her arms like the many times she had the last few times using bankai and pumped her fist in the air. "BANKAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAI!" She screamed simultaneously and had the ground beneath her light up. Mayuri and Byakuya both widened their eyes at seeing a sudden pillar of lava burst up. It grew in width, eventually disappearing and exposing Ryu's large body behind her. There she stood, her molten gauntlets in view, the spikes in her hair glowing red hot and an excited smile plastered.

The goth lowered her arm and looked over at the oversized Yammy, casually walking his way. "Let's" she laughed to herself and earned a weird look from Kenny. 

(Wooot!) "C'MOOOOON!" she yelled strongly and soon used sonido with her dragon.

"I SAID TO ULQUIORRA I WOULDN'T HOLD BACK IF YOU WANTED TO FIGHT ME AGAIN! SO LOOKS LIKE I GET TO BE THE WINNER THIS ROUND!" the Espada screamed out and heard Ryu's cry. He looked up, saw the goth skydive after him while holding onto Ryu's head, and opened his mouth. A cero charged in his mouth, it shot out, and....missed the punk. She sonidoed and appeared on the other side of his head, soon circling around him like some twirly bird when someone's dizzy. "What's the matter, can't catch what ya can't see?!" the punk teased and each time she'd pass his eyes, she'd speak one word in that sentence.

"UUUAAAAAAAH, STOP MESSING AROUND!" he yelled and swatted in many directions, managing to hit her with the last swing of his palm. She shot out a ways away and rolled, her ponytail whipped all around with her while her dragon caught herself in mid-roll.

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