Chapter 72: The New Captain!

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The next day after the whole mess of the Vampires was finally resolved, the whole Seireitei was wrecked and Soul Reapers in the streets were already on the move of cleaning up. Everyone was so busy, that the Captains had to resort to delivering letters and papers between each other... Yamamoto was in his office going about his daily business and Kai was in her apartment with her father, making food.

The goth was in the kitchen, reading instructions on how to make Rice balls with the ingredient being put in them to help them survive their stomach lava longer. She was standing in front of a rice cooker, watching as the key ingredient sizzled in with the rice. Both her hands were on her hips, her ponytail dangled behind her and a bored feature was evident on her face. Dao, who was standing beside her, had mesmerized eyes that were intently staring at the boiling rice. "Good thing I know how to make this at least... Last time we cooked, it was spaghetti and the damn food got burned..." Kai muttered, sweatdropped, and moved her slits over to Dao.

The elder simply composed himself and cleared his throat with his eyes shut, then leaned his lower back against the counter; he crossed his arms and hummed in thought. "We just need to practice making it, is all... " he answered, not once looking back her way.

"We...?! YOU'RE the one, who burned it! You were the one, who screwed up the fucking recipe!" she rose her voice with an irk mark on her head and faced the elder.

Ikkaku was sitting at the table, watching the two bicker over who burned it. He rose a brow, looked at one and then the other. "So...who burned what now?" he asked, though his gaze stuck to Kai's backside and drifted down to her bottom. He blushed, smirked, and looked off to the side.

"HIM! HE FUCKING BURNED THE SPAGHETTI, BY READING THE DIRECTIONS WRONG!" she burst out and pointed an accusing finger at her father.

"Well, you know as well as I do... Practice makes perfect," Madarame grinned, looked over at her, and chuckled. He paced over to her, put both hands on either side of the goth's frame, and planted them on the counter edge. Leaning in, he got close to her neck and smiled. "I'm actually excited to eat your food, Kai," he added with a low voice as if aiming to fluster her...and it worked.

His words made her blush heavily and stiffen, then put her hands on his chest in an attempt to softly push him away. Dao seeing this, smirked and walked off into the other room...leaving...poor Kai with Ikkaku's antics. "I- Ikkaku..." her words were actually wobbly. For someone who's hot-headed, untamable, and will kick anyone's ass for touching her, sure gave in to him fast...

"Kai..." he mumbled quietly, making her pause for a moment then saw her lower her arms. He smirked, hugged her into his arms, and chuckled. "You'll get the hang of it, now...let me help," he demanded, stepped back, and put one hand to his hip with his zanpakuto over his other shoulder.

"Help...? I can take care of making rice balls on my own, man..." the goth replied, looked away, and blushed even more. She faced the cooker only to have Madarame stand behind her and hook his free arm around her waist.

"Give me a break, you're too reckless with anything you do. I bet when you cooked rice balls before, you went through tons of rice just to make one," he teased, grinned, and watched her grown an irk mark on her head.

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