Chapter 55: Murderous.

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(Old note) A/N: I'M GETTING EXCITED, IT'S GETTING CLOSER TO A CERTAIN SCENE I'VE DAYDREAMED ABOUT FOR SOME TIME NOW! I know, I say that ALOT with my chapters...but can you blame me?! This is the first arc I ever made, aside from my Hunter x Hunter fanfic, where it takes place 3 years before the actual plot of the anime.~



My dear sister...don't worry... I shall protect you...~ Morgus's muscly handsome voice resonated, as he sat in the middle of a cell behind bars. Sitting in a chair, facing the only window and hands resting on his lap. His backside was in view until it showed his smirking lips from the side. Only his dark grin was visible, his eyes and most of his hair were hidden from the close-up range. Tatsibura...Donieri... I will find out what you're hiding...Hmhmhmhm... They tried so hard to cover for themselves, but they had no idea that I was merely playing along. She will have our heads, is what they were basically saying... An investigation is necessary and so is...death... he spoke the last word in a much darker tone, then chuckled to himself. His low laughter gave off an ominous and insane feeling as if he had turned into some murderer who had chosen his next target...

Behind him, the sound of doors opening occurred and squeaked. His head rose slightly upon hearing this and looked over his shoulder, just so his own brown eyes could peek over it. What was unexpecting, was his very target to step in and walk up to the other side of the bars; Haro stood there with a triumphant smirk and squinted slits. "Hello Setsuen, I heard you were put into this cell for treason.~" he sang and crossed his arms.

"Why are you here...?" Setsuen questioned the vampire and stared with a slight grin. Killer's intent was still evident in his eyes, wanting nothing more than to murder the man who was refusing to leave his sister be and who may be plotting something behind everyone's back.

"Oh, I just wanted to see how my Gothic Goddess's brother was doing!~ I plan to make my move on her soon and when I say soon, I mean...while you're still in here...~" he smirked with his mouth open a little and lowered his face. Those words only made Morgus flash and appear up close to the man, grab his neck then ram his face into the bars. Even though he rammed his face, he kept it tightly against him and inched his own closer to Haro's.

"If you do, I shall slice off every limb...grind them into mush and throw them into a large puddle of acid... When I get out of here, my first priority will not be my sister..." Morgus's glare was so intimidating and murderous, that it would scare any normal shinigami or human to the brink of passing out; though, it hadn't even fazed the vampire. Haro just rose one corner of his mouth, exposing one of his fangs, and giggled.

"I would love to see you try, your sister is the first to ever move me this much...and I plan on going further.~" he mused, somehow broke free from Setsuen's deathly grip and backed up. He was laughing to himself as he turned to leave, leaving the hybrid in his cell to his thoughts.

"I'm going to kill that" Morgus's head rose and his eyes shut, with a little tune escaping his closed smile. Images played through his mind about how much fun he was going to have with murdering the vampire, in such...gruesome ways.


Back with Aurora; she was pacing casually around in her vampiric cave, flapping her fan in thought and having one hand over her stomach. She was walking elegantly, her hat still on and hiding her eyes. " much to think about...~ Tatsibura and Donieri almost got discovered, my position had almost got exposed and Koumetsu has yet to be killed, along with her brother.~" she noted to herself while walking in a circle in the middle of the cave. The sounds of water dripping could be heard throughout the surroundings and the only light that shined gleamed ever so beautifully.

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