Chapter 58: Another Report

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Kai and the two all came back through the senkaimon, everything was roped down on her bike as they waltzed down to the goth's apartment. "Oi, thanks for helpin', I gotta go see the old fart and hope he didn't trash everything while I was gone..." she deadpanned and grumbled, thinking of the possible mess he might have made. Unlocking her door, the goth stepped in and put everything down; she saw how everything looked neat, a bit too neat... Looking around, sparkles fluttered around the area and Dao...was seen...snoring and sleeping on her bed... She walked up, leaned over, and narrowed her hidden eyes, he had her gigai off now so everything she wore was back. Putting her hands on her hips, she remained leaned over and grinned mischievously. "GET UP YA OLD FART, I'M BACK!" her booming voice made him open his slits in shock and stumble off the bed, onto the floor.

Slowly, he rose to his feet and had his usual stern features present. A frown was evident, eyes were squinted, and he grumbled with his slits glued to her frame. "Welcome home, my daughter..." he simply greeted and composed himself, eyes shutting all the while. "How was your mission...?" he walked past her into the kitchen and kept his ears open for her response.

"Well, a lot of crap went down," she began and tilted her head to one side, deciding to explain it all to her old man. She didn't realize what he just called her, so she didn't react, and after everything was explained, Dao's eyes were narrowed dangerously.

"Haro Tatsibura...tried to kiss you, when you were defenseless...? Being in your gigai limits the ability of a being, whoever wears it...? What about that male, Ikkaku Madarame...?" he asked and crossed his arms, he was not happy... They were standing in the kitchen and behind him was boiling water with something in it, unbeknownst to the goth... She was too busy explaining to even notice that he did that in midst of their conversation. Apparently, he put the pot on to boil while she spoke...

"He came in and socked him good in the face, the man was piiiiiisssed that he tried to kiss me!" she laughed at the image of Haro's face in midst of that punch. His skin was rippling around Ikkaku's fist, lips puckered out and eyes wide. Something caught her attention though, it was the fact that...he didn't even react to the news of her killing her first hollow. "But damn...I can't believe I killed a hollow... A part of my species being killed, I fucking hated it! I don't want to kill again, I don't give a shit if they're against Soul Reapers!" As if on cue, Dao gripped the back of her ponytail and pulled her harshly into a one-armed hug. He placed his other hand on her backside and shut his eyes, trying to comfort her.

"Hollows kill each other all the time...there is no shame in defeating one of your own species. Do understand this, lord Daomig'rah and I know for a fact...that hollows kill each other. There are reasons behind it, I do not wish to tell you..." With those words spoken, Kai stood there frozen in place, eyes wide and mouth slightly agape. She's beginning to understand now knowing that those same words came from Ikkaku just yesterday...

Feeling him let go, she stepped back a bit and looked up at his almost eight-foot frame. Nodding, she heard the sound of bubbling liquid, so she peered around him and saw a pot of boiling water. Her eyes widened at the sight, then rushed in front of the stove. "THE HELL MAN, YOU'RE GONNA BUR-" Before she finished, she noticed it was just cooking noodles and blinked, confused as to what was being made. "What're you doin'...?" Asking, she looked behind her and rose a brow.

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