Chapter 73: Pro skills.~

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(Old note) A/N: Hey all, it's what you've all been waiting for, I'm sure.~

This is a bit of a long chapter, so I hope you like it! I'm so happy, it's getting so close to the end of the story!


Kai was about to walk down the steps, though was stopped by Ikkaku who was waiting for her just outside the door. "Woah, Kai! You look good wearin' that, so you took the rank?" he excitedly asked, grinned, and wrapped an arm around her shoulders.

The goth grinned, looked over at him, and pulled her sunglasses down to see him better. "Hell yeah, I took it hahahaha!" she laughed and hugged Madarame out of the blue, which made her blush heavily. Not long after did she let go and whistle awkwardly with her slits averted.

"C'mon Kai, I bet the others would flip at knowing you're a Captain now!" he laughed, pushed her forward with his arm still being around her shoulders, and guided her away from the meeting area. Dao had a grin of acceptance the entire time and when they ran into Rangiku in the pathway, they halted in their place.

"Oi, Rangiku!" Kai shouted, rushed up to her, and saw her turn to face the booming voice.

"Oh, hi Kaiorin! Wow, look at you! I heard the news that you were gonna be given the chance, to be a Captain and I see you took it!" she exclaimed, clasped her hands together in a praying gesture, and giggled.

"Hah, now they have to put up with me...hahahahahaha!~" the punk teased, put her hands on her hips, and rose her head to the sky in amusement.

"This is so awesome, this calls for a celebration!" Matsumoto cheered and rose her hands in the air, with giggles of excitement coming from her. "Come on, I was just about to eat out with Shuhei and Kira, so why not join us?" a smile formed when she curiously blinked.

"Yeah, let's do this shit!" Kai pumped a fist in the air and the next thing you know, they were all of a sudden in a restaurant. Shuhei, Kira, Dao, Kai, Ikkaku, Yumichika, Maiya and...Captain Kyouraku? They were all sitting around a large table enjoying their food, even though both Kai and Dao...can't really get full. "So...again, when the hell did you guys come along...?" she questioned then stared at Maiya, Shunsui, and Yumichika with a sweatdrop down her head.

"Well, Yumichika told me that you guys were gonna eat out and he said he was gonna join in... So when I told my Captain that I was going to join too, he just ran out the door and pulled me along..." Maiya muttered, looked over at her Captain with a chibified, oh brother face and sweatdropped.

"Hey, I couldn't miss a chance like this to eat out.~ Koumetsu just became a Captain and I want to celebrate it!" Shunsui cheered, held up a sake bottle, and chuckled.

"More like you wanted to escape from our Lieutenant..." the girl mumbled, still in that chibi form, then glared at him with flat lines for eyes and mauve colored dots. He only chuckled nervously at that then rubbed the back of his neck with a shut of his eyes.

"Well, you caught me!" he admitted only to receive suspicious stares from everyone aside from Dao. "Whaaaat...? It's not like I won't do my paperwork or anything, I just need a break!~" he smiled and rose his hands in defense, just to earn a comment from his own subordinate.

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