Chapter 66: Bloody Mary

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(Old note) A/N: IT'S FINALLY HERE! I hope you enjoy this, I thought this was a great fight! The song listed here is from Vampire knight, it's too short and if you can find an extended version...then yay!~


"Kisaki, after I heard of your name and was told who you were, I vaguely remembered you. I was just a young lad when I met you, I'm surprised you lived this long. I know it's not my place to ask, but aren't you around four thousand years old or more?" he asked with a lift of his hat and a friendly smile on his face.

Aurora, who remained in the same stance with her back turned and all, chuckled at his words. Only her dark violet smirking lips could be seen over her shoulders and a piercing crimson slit glowed brightly through the shade. "I do not recall you... It is indeed...not your place to ask.~ Though if you truly insist, I'm four thousand, two hundred and sixty years old.~" she replied, turned sideways to face him, and swayed her hips during the process. "Now, why were you chasing me?" questioned the vamp, stood in a sexy stance, and flapped her fan to the side of her face.

"You're after innocent lives, tell me...why are you killing them?" Kisuke asked and frowned, his expression grew serious this time and he really didn't want to fight her unless necessary.

"Hmhmhmhmhm...dear, you would never understand, even if I had told you.~ There are many things in this world, that are just meant to be kept silent," Kisaki answered as she slowly walked towards him in a seductive, swaying manner.


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"True...but those things that are meant to be kept secret, will be revealed at some point. What you're doing is wrong, I don't quite understand why you're killing people...but I've come to stop you if you continue," he warned with the shade under his hat veiling over his eyes and his frown becoming more evident. "I used to admire you in a way, you know? Squad twelve and squad two both argued over you, they both wanted you in their division because of how smart and sneaky you were. I don't remember which squad you ended up in...but I know for a fact, that you were the Lieutenant of Genryusai Yamamoto's team. He said so himself when we talked earlier," he added only to hear a very familiar voice echo from behind him.

"Aurora Kisaki, the crimes you have commented, have great consequences! The penalty for your actions is death if you do NOT stop this and atone!" the Head Captain had appeared in the sky, cane and all as he dangerously glared down at his old student.

" truly have no idea, do you...?~" she questioned, fully faced them both, and dropped her smirk. "Have you ever been so set on revenge, that you'd vow your life to saving those half breeds and abnormal people... Killing merely an act of kindness, to save them from themselves and from killing others... They are but a danger, to themselves and others around them..." she answered and her hat completely hid her crimson, diamond slit.

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