Chapter 12: Insanity & Restriction.

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(Old note) A/N: I've tried my darnedest to make the fight feel intense and exciting. As I've said many times before, the music I pick is only to help provide the feel of the moment. I do not own any of the music, all rights go to their original artists.


Somewhere in the Seireitei, Morgus was on his way to Captain Aizen's office. He didn't want Kaiorin finding out that he was the one delivering her mail, especially since she suspected him of being a delivery boy and knew she'd never let that die for a while; he'd be her own personal laughing stock for the month.

The Raven-haired man with brown tips sighed from mental exhaustion, at his own thoughts. She's the last person I'd want to find out, about me being the delivery boy... he noted in his mind with another sigh. Looking up at the door that he now stood in front of, he grew nervous from not wanting to get in trouble with Aizen. He knocked on the door before hearing the Captain himself, acknowledge his presence.

"Yes?" Said the Captain's disembodied tone.

"I have a report for you, sir..." Morgus replied from the other side of the door, closed his eyes, and took out a letter from his robes. Opening the door, he looked up to meet Aizen's gaze.

"Do come in," That was all he said, the Captain held a passive smile while gesturing for Morgus to step in, which he did. Aizen shut the door then made his way over to his seat and wrote on paperwork, as the man in front of his desk laid the letter in an open spot before bowing.

"Sir... The others are growing impatient... If we continue to wait it out, they'll eventually grow the nerve to come here out of frustration..." Setsuen mentioned, only to be given a glance by the Captain. Aizen understood what he meant and chuckled to himself before closing his brown eyes in thought.

"No need to worry, they won't come here... It won't be long, I assure you," he replied and took the letter that sat before him, opened it, and read through it quickly. Smirking at the contents of the paper, he closed his eyes in thought. The Captain took out a clean paper and began to write a reply, once he was done he handed it to Morgus.

The said man bowed and started towards the exit until a thought occurred to him. He turned and faced Aizen, with a nearly stoic expression. "Sir... What about Kaiorin's progression...? I thought-" he got cut off before even finishing his sentence when Aizen rose his hand.

"Don't worry, Setsuen... She'll make it before the deadline. Her habit and hobby for fighting will most likely increase her growth," the Captain reassured, before seeing Morgus nod and leave his office. Aizen continued on with the paperwork that got stacked on his desk until another knock occurred on his door. "Yes?" he asked and kept up with his facade. In reply, he heard a soft voice from the other side and smirked at knowing who it was... Momo.


In Kaiorin's apartment, her arms were folded on the surface of the desk with her head laid down. She was snoring awfully loud with her mouth open and a drool streamed down the corner. It was very surprising, that a fly didn't enter her gaping hole yet.

Showing Kai in view, a finger inched its way from the sideline and poked her shoulder only to make the goth twitch. Showing Ikkaku now, he had a bored look on his face but tried to stifle laughter from within. "OI! KOUMETSU! C'mon, it's two in the afternoon and I've been lookin' all over for ya!" he shouted with demand and a big grin stretched from cheek to cheek as he stood there staring at her still, slumbering form.

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