Chapter 52: Throwing a fit over a fitting!

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In the goth's room, Kai was laying in her bed all sprawled out and snoring with her mouth open. The ancient dragon himself was sitting up in his makeshift bed next to hers, staring into space before him. Thoughts seemed to be swarming his mind because he never shifted in his position to better comfort himself. What she told me last night...was that she will be heading into the living realm... Her first mission, I feel that something may go wrong there; I simply cannot let her journey there alone, I shall go inform Yamamoto about this... he stated in his mind, before looking up towards the window behind him.

Sun rays beamed through the window and graced themselves upon the two who remained in their beds, making his slits move down to view his great-granddaughter. If I am to be her father...I must prepare food for her this morning... Hopefully, then, she will call me father. He spoke in his head and stood to his feet, making his way into the kitchen with his signature stern face.

A few minutes later, Kai's eyes began to squint and waver. Slowly, her very slits came into view and one thing made them widen...the smell of burnt food... Instantly she jolted up in a sitting position and frantically darted her head around. "WHAT THE HELL?!" she shot up out of her bed and sprinted into the kitchen only to see...a scorched mess... The WHOLE KITCHEN WAS COVERED IN BLACK SUIT! The floor was black, the counters and stove had burnt food littered all over them and ash masked some of the walls. She stood there dumbfounded at the mess, then moved her gaze up at her old man in shock. "WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO?!" raged the goth and allowed her veins glow, along with her eyes; her reiatsu had spiked from anger, causing the said elder to stiffen.

Dao's backside was to her, he was facing the stove and surprise could be seen in his thinned slits A pot of miscellaneous food boiled on the burner and some tea, he had no to cook... The moment he looked over his shoulder to see her, his stoic features returned. "I am simply preparing food for you, I wish to be a responsible parent..." answered the ancient dragon with his features going back to their stern look. The atmosphere went silent and awkward, the only sound resonating was the boiling foreign liquid on the stove and bad-smelling, bubbling tea in the pot.

"I DON'T KNOW WHAT THE HELL A PARENT IS SUPPOSED TO ACT LIKE, BUT EVEN I KNOW THAT COOKING WITHOUT EXPERIENCE IS NOT WHAT A PARENT SHOULD DO! Tch- you're tryin' too damn hard man, I mean really... LOOK AT THIS SHIT!" an index finger pointed at the mess and her face changed to hysterically white eyes with sharp teeth; an irk mark was clear on her head, throbbing from annoyance.

Dao scanned his eyes over the mess, taking note of everything he could so he could keep it in mind not to do it next time. Everything...was just filthy... Before he got to say anything, a knock occurred on the door and made both of them move their attention towards the sound. She moved her back to her old man and sneered, giving him a deadly glare. "I have much to learn..." he muttered with obvious disappointment and looked back over at the unrecognizable, boiling grub and bubbling tea.

"Nah, ya think?! Get this cleaned up, I should have Maiya teach you a thing or two!" Kai shouted and was about to leave to go see who knocked, just to get stopped by the elder's words.

"You should not speak, you lack the experience as well... Perhaps we could learn together...?" he questioned, raised a brow, and viewed his descendant's backside. Seeing her look at him from her peripherals, she looked away again and nodded; not one word escaped her mouth, just a simple nod of approval.

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