Chapter 67: Research

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(Old note) A/N: Hey folks! I bet some of you have been wondering, When is Kai gonna start practicing for the show? or When is she going to perform her next song somewhere around those lines. So, I'd thought I'd let you know, she's a surprise as to when though.~ :P

So hang in there guys :D!


Kisuke had brought Aurora to his shop, he stumbled his way through the door after opening it and made it past the man who wore sunglasses. Jinta and Ururu were sitting at the table when they looked over and spotted Mr. Hat and clogs. "Who's that?!" the red-headed child questioned as he rose from his spot, pure shock written on his face.

"Mister Urahara, are you ok?! You're bleeding!" Ururu bolted from her seat and hurried over before him. She viewed the said man and immediately became worried, a lot of blood was around his midsection...

"It's nothing...Ururu, she just barely got through me so I'll be ok... Anyway, here," he began, placed the unconscious Aurora on the floor, and held his stomach. "Take her into one of the rooms in the back, I'm going to patch up," he stated and waltzed onward until the man with sunglasses came up to his side. He looked over at the man and smiled, soon having chuckles escape his lips. "Hello Tesai, you feeling well?" he questioned.

"Yes... Sir, allow me to assist," The man known as Tesai, said and helped Kisuke further into the building. He got on his good side and put Urahara's arm up over his neck, to support him.

"Why thank you but...could you bring her back here instead?" Kisuke asked before he was led into the back.

"Of course," Tesai answered and let go of the man. He watched as Urahara made his way to the back, before turning to the unconscious woman. He went over to her and picked her up, though looked down after hearing something hit the floor. It was her zanpakuto, the fan and it looked pretty beat up. "Can one of you carry that and follow me?" he questioned.

Ururu and Jinta both stared in confusion, before acting accordingly. "Who is that lady?" The redhead asked after picking the said fan up, then rose his gaze back up at Tesai and quirked a brow.

"I don't know..." he began, before turning and pacing towards the back. "Let's go," adding to his words, he turned the corner and left the two kids there to ponder.

Both of kids looked at each other, then at Tesai again. They were confused for a moment but hurried along after the sunglasses man. Once they reached the back room, they saw Urahara standing in the room with his upper body uncovered. He was using kido to heal the wound, Aurora was so close to puncturing an organ before and a small gaping hole was there. They watched Tesai place Kisaki on a futon that was laying on the floor, he made sure to not touch the wounds on her body. "Ururu, I'll need you to clean her up," the sunglasses man stated then turned to face the shop owner. "Sir, is there anything you need before I go tend to the shop?" he questioned, making the two kids look over at the said man.

"No, I got it from here. Thank you, though.~" Kisuke thanked with a small smile and looked at the guy. He still couldn't shake the feeling of sympathy for the woman, she was just too sweet and innocent for that to happen to her... Seeing her fan, he stared at it for a moment and contemplated. It seems she's similar to Ichigo, her Zanpakuto stays in its shikai form...interesting. Mentally speaking, he looked over and saw Tesai nod then turn to leave, gesturing for Jinta to follow along.

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