Chapter 62: To save a dying damsel.

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(Old note) A/N: Sorry I haven't updated in a while! I could NOT find the perfect battle song for Ikkaku until now! I HOPE YOU ALL LIKE THIS CHAPTER!

As mentioned before, things are going to get more intense now!~ I tried my best to write out Ikkaku's fight, this is the first time I made a fight between him and I hope you like it!

The song in here, I looked for an extended version but there was none...... So if it's too short, I'm sorry.... v.v

I look for music that's on youtube, so all you have to do is look up the listed song in the story! :D


Haro remained there smirking, watching the third-seater glare at him with a scowl and narrowed eyes. One side of his lip was curled up in disgust and anger, whilst shadow appeared in between his eyes. He hated him...he always had, now that he hurt Kai and killed her brother...he was going to tear that vampire apart...

His two giant blades in his hands were pointed towards the faint pink and light gray-haired male, one blade up above his head and the other directly outstretched. At the back-ends of his two giant blades, chains were connected to them and the hovering blade behind his head; the floating third blade had a dragon symbol on it in the middle.

He remained there debating rather he should attack first or wait for him to do it instead. "What's wrong? It was just a simple kiss, nothing more...nothing less...oooohhhh...definitely not less...hmhmhmhm.~" Haro chuckled at the last part, he could still feel her soft black lips linger on his own. He rubbed his lips together and tried to keep the sensation there as long as possible.

Stay calm Ikkaku...don't let him get under your skin... No...he hurt Kai! He killed her brother! HE EVEN KISSED HER! Ikkaku mentally raged with the grips on his two giant blades tightening more. "I came here just in time, to see Kai start to fight you in her...fusion form... She was amazing...and there was one line I can't help but agree with..." he stated, causing the vampire to tilt his head and still have that open smirk plastered.

"Oh?~ What might that be, Madarame?~" he questioned with his yellow, vampiric, diamond slits gleaming through the darkness of the surroundings. The stars above twinkled as if cheering for the baldy who came in to save her and both men faced each other with their weapons ready. Slowly, the vampire began to walk sideways and kept his attention on the man. It didn't take long for Ikkaku to do the same, not too long later were they matching each other's speed. They both had their attention locked on each other, walking sideways and keeping that distance between them.

As if everything stood still, the third-seater's lips came into view and that very sentence that Kai spoke, came out of him. "You're dead..."

(It's the best song I could find for him and I hope it's to your liking!~)

He stated, it changed to show him running at the vampire, he jumped, spun in the air, and swung one of his giant blades at him.

Haro chuckled, dodged every swing, and rose his half-melted drill up to slice at him. Ikkaku just twisted to move out of the way, his chest getting slightly grazed. They were fast, though, with Haro limited since his weapon was half-ruined, he relied on the melted part of the drill most of the time.

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