Chapter 42: The road to science!

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(Old Note) A/N: I'm sorry, as I said before, I didn't have internet when I wrote this. I couldn't write down their exact words, so I decided to explain it instead. I only wrote down notes that I knew I would need in the future before the net went out so....yeah.~

Hope this doesn't bother you, I was resorting to my memory of the anime.


Nothing but snoring resonated from the goth's cell, she and her old man were both asleep. In her cell, it showed her sprawled out with both of her arms and legs separate whilst her head rested on Dao's lap. Her old man was snoozing away, with his head leaning back up against the couch and one arm on the couch arm. A knock occurred on the door, snapping Dao awake. He slowly looked down and spotted his own descendant sleeping on him, making a soft smile form. His slits soon moved over to view the door and his smile dropped, trying his best to place her head elsewhere sneakily.

With success, he managed to move her. He made his way over to the door, opened it, and came face to face with Morgus. "Hello, lord Daomig'rah.~" he whispered, all the lord did was blankly stare at him. "Time to wake her up, wouldn't want her to waste time laying around.~" he stated in a hushed tone, saw the elder nod, and step aside. Morgus waltzed right on over to the goth with a playful smirk plastered. He leaned over and got close to her ear, with a hand cupped over his mouth. "An all-you-can-eat buffet is waiting for you...~ It's free of charge...~" he teased and made his sister instantly perk up, with an enthusiastic feature to her.

"WHERE'S THE GRUB?!" Kai shouted and frantically looked around until having recognition hit her like a truck. "Morgus..." she spoke darkly and squinted her slits. He only rose his hands up in defense and smiled with his eyes closed, giggling as well. Outside of the room, it showed the door and Morgus's girly scream shook the view; a lot of hysterical punching sounds resonated from the room, poor dude...

Kai was tapping her foot not that far from the couch, her back turned to her bro and her teeth gritted. "WHY DO YOU ALWAYS USE THAT TRICK ON ME?! YOU KNOW I'LL WAKE UP REGARDLESS, NO MATTER WHAT YOU DO!" she questioned and heard her brother moping in the corner.

"But I looooooove waking you up like that! Besides, it's the most effective at getting you up right away...~" he pouted in the shadowy corner and was hugging his knees in a squatting position, making circles on the floor with his finger.

"NO- YOU JUST LIKE TO TEASE ME WITH FOOD! Tch- whatever, we don't have time for this! C'mon, let's put this plan in motion! I'm gonna go carry my bike down to Inoue's; as I said before, DO-NOT-FOLLOW! Wait two hours before doing so and don't leave this room until then. I'll be waiting in the kid's cell, probably practicing my guitar..." she spoke and walked over to her bike full of her attachments.

"Alright...but what if something goes wrong? Aside from what you told us to say to the others, of course...~ Say...if we run into one of them as soon as we open the door here, what should we do?" Her bro asked and watched her roll her head around, popping her neck. She rolled her shoulders, flailed her arms a bit, and shifted her feet around; she was loosening up her muscles. Bending over, she picked it up and hauled it over one shoulder.

"Easy, just act cool. Ask'em what they want, if they're lookin' for me then...just say I'm taking a piss somewhere. If they care about their nose, they wouldn't bother looking for me unless it was urgent. Hopefully, they're respectful enough to let someone take a dump alone. If not- then...they got issues.~" With her words, Dao almost chuckled at the last part and Morgus giggled. The punk turned around, grinned real big with narrowed eyes, and placed her free hand on her hip. "Off I go.~" she announced and paced over to the door. Her bro opened it for her then shut it on her way out.

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