Chapter 16: Unexpected

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(New note) A/N: Read the previous author's note if you've read past the last chapter already and haven't seen the New note. :3


Back at Captain Kenpachi's office, Ikkaku and Yumichika both were in there grieving silently. Zaraki was at his desk appearing as bored as could be, while a pink little ball of energy was drawing and coloring on the floor. "Captain... Do you only like Koumetsu because she loves to fight you? Sure she keeps you busy, but is that the only thing about her you like?~" Yumichika questioned with a hidden smile; though not realizing it, he was actually making Ikkaku angry. Madarame's head was facing away from him and was looking off into space.

The Captain himself gave a death glare, though, seeing Yumi give a determined smile he knew he wasn't going to hear the end of it if he didn't answer. "Tch-... If I liked her in that way, I would have already kissed her by now... She's just an amusing subordinate, that loves fighting just as much as I do and loves to fight me whenever she gets her chance... She may be a woman, but she's too young for me. The only thing I care about when it comes to her is that when she's injured... She won't be able to fight me at her full strength," Hearing that response surprisingly made Ikkaku's red furious face turn back to normal. Yumi beamed at hearing his Captain's response, for what reason- that's beyond even Zaraki.

"What about that time when you forced her to talk, as to why she despised Morgus? Well, before, he betrayed her again..." Yumi asked out of curiosity, wondering why he even bothered to make her talk.

"As I said before, I don't care about sentimental crap. She was an exception, cause she wouldn't leave that man alone and I didn't want to hear anyone sayin' that my own subordinate was causin' trouble. After she got done complaining about her past, she fell asleep listening to the rain... So I just let her nap," Kenny admitted with irritation clear in his tone.

Ikkaku turned his head to Zaraki with a stoic expression, now he was curious... "What all did she talk about...? What happened between the two?" he asked as he leaned forward and propped his elbows on his knees; his Zanpakuto was leaning against the bottom of the couch, in its sheathe.

"I don't feel like telling a story, so don't go askin' me about stuff that I don't give two shits about... If you wanna know so badly, ask her yourself when she comes back," Ikakku just grumbled in response then stood up and left the office. Leaving a confused Yumichika and an annoyed Zaraki.

"To tell the truth, Captain, I believe he likes her... Rangiku told me a few days ago that he and Koumetsu had an eating contest. They each made a bet, and of course, she won. She made him do all her laundry, and mind you they were mostly stinky, sweaty socks...~" he mentioned, making a hand motion to indicate stench.

"Hm-..." That was all Zaraki replied, giving Yumi the impression that he didn't care.

"Captain... Aren't you at least a little concerned for her? She is a part of our squad and she did just get kidnapped," Yumi asked with a questionable stare and felt like he wasn't going to get a reply. Soon, he stood up and was about to leave, hoping that his Captain would answer.

"Exactly, she's a part of squad eleven... She can handle herself, I hadn't known Koumetsu to be a coward toward things. There's only one thing that I know of that she's afraid of...and it was only one time I heard her speak about it. She fears being weakened, anything that holds her back or burdens her ability to fight-- frightens her; cause she can't fight anymore or can't defend herself," Kenny responded just before the fifth-seat could leave.

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