Chapter 31: Comprehension of loneliness

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(Old note) A/N: Sup guys! Be warned, I thought I'd pull off something funny in the beginning, lmao! I've seen a few fanfictions with these in it, so I thought I'd encourage the theory :D! And might I say, it was fun to write out~ I don't know how long it'll be until Ichigo and the gang appear in Hueco Mundo and is mentioned in this fic. So bare with me please, I still have a few more ideas I wanna put in here, before Ichigo and the whole Hueco Mundo invasion goes underway.

Hope you enjoy this chapter :D!


Within the training room, sounds of rapid punching were heard. Soon weights, balance beams, dumbbells of all sizes, Yammy's giant wrecking ball, and a wide-open space in the center so others could train and other various exercising equipment could be seen. Dao stood in the middle of the room with Kai, watching her punch his midsection and didn't appear fazed at all. His stern eyes watched her excited ones as a large grin could be seen on her face and her veins glowed. Each thrust made her body move and her fiery reiatsu lashed out harshly.

"Hahahahahaha! 'BOUT DAMN TIME I GOT A DURABLE PUNCHING BAG!" laughter left her lips after her exclamation. With one last punch, she held it against his abdomen and panted slightly. The goth jumped back, hopped on one leg, and turned around completely to face her radio. Running to it, she turned it on and pressed play on the song The Animal by Disturbed.

From hearing that strange resonance, Dao quirked a brow and once it picked up with that voice he blinked. "Interesting... What odd sounds that metallic thing produces... What is it?" he asked, not once changing his expression.

Kai grinned even bigger, narrowed her slits, and chuckled. "A radio, it plays all kinds of music.~" she explained easily then saw the dragon smirk.

"I like it..." The next thing she knew, his veins began to glow and showed that he was getting excited.

Elsewhere, back in the- "OI! WHY ARE YOU CHANGING THE SCENE SO FAST?!" Kai asked as she lifted her head upward. Suddenly in came Ulquiorra and Yammy, soon spotting the goth and rose a brow.

"Hey, you training in her-" Before Yammy got to finish, Kai burst out into a yell towards the ceiling

"WHAT THE HEELLLL?! STOP IGNORING ME YOU PIECE OF SHIT!" she rages with her fists clenched. "AND, WHY ARE YOU DESCRIBING EVERYTHING I'M DOING?! HELL, YOU EVEN DESCRIBE MY THOUGHTS!" the goth screamed furiously with white, twitching, comedic eyes.

"Why are you yelling at the ceiling...Koumetsu...?" The fourth espada questioned while stuffing his hands in his pockets.

"I'm talking to the narrator! She keeps describing my actions and it's getting annoying!" she replied to the said man, pointing an accusing way. Wait...hey, that's rude!

"Says the person that's butting in on my business!" HEY, I'M MAKING YOU ACT THROUGHOUT THE SCENES, SHUT IT! "NO, YOU SHUT IT ASSHOLE!" Ehem...she screamed out in fury, trying to make me keep quiet...WHICH WON'T WORK SINCE I'M MAKING YOU TALK! HA, BEAT THAT! "SCREW BEATING THAT, I'LL BEAT YOU UP!" You can't beat me up... I'M ALREADY UP, UP HERE IN THIS NONE-EXISTENT SPACE THAT I CREATED! SO THAT I CAN WATCH AND DESCRIBED EVERY LITTLE THING YOU AND EVERYONE ARE DOING! (Silence~...) "Hey, I heard that! Tch-, whatever... Screw you, I'm training!" ...she screamed out at me, choosing to ignore the blabbering narrator.

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