Chapter 49: A special present.~

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A pair of closed eyelids began to squint, it was Kai's. Slowly opening them, her lava slits focused on whatever was in her view and the many fiery hues kept moving in them, making it seem like magma or flames. Soon, it changed to show the said goth laying on her back on the hard flooring, Daomig'rah and Unohana's heads were looking down at her. Suddenly, Dao's features were replaced with an image of her father, it was so quick that she didn't even have time to react..she only managed to widen her gaze.

"Koumtesu, are you alright?" With Unohana looking at her with concern, worry had filled her voice. With her words, the punk sat up in a hurry and took another glance at her great-granddaddy. Her eyes remained wide for quite some time, her elder just stared at her with a risen brow and couldn't understand why she was gazing at him like that.

"Is there something wrong, Kaiorin....?" he questioned with his gaze squinting from her reaction, he couldn't comprehend why in the world she was looking at him like that...

At finally coming to a realization, she gritted her teeth, and her gaze turned comedically white. "OF COURSE I'M ALRIGHT! WHY THE HELL IS EVERYONE STANDING AROUND ME?!" she jolted up from Dao's lap, making everyone stand back. Crossing her arms, she scowled towards them and tapped a foot impatiently.

" would have died, if not for your great-grandfather here...." In a lowly spoken voice, Retsu slightly narrowed her eyes at her. The goth looked over at her with a risen brow, confusion was clear on her features and the Captain knew that. "Do you not recall what happened?" asked the Captain.

"No...I don't... All I knew was that I felt sick then passed out," that was her simple reply as she watched the Captain sigh and close her eyes, nodding.

"Alright... Shall we continue enjoying ourselves then? You don't have to sit in the water," she questioned, before making that last statement. Seeing the punk grin like mad and chuckle, she couldn't help but think that she had something up her sleeve...

"Suuuuure~ Why not...? I have something in mind...~" Kai grinned evilly with shadow hiding her slits. She looked over at her elder, got close to his face, and chuckled. "Hey...old man...thanks for savin' me..." thanked the punk, but...her expression never faltered and was STILL grinning.

"You...are welcome..." Dao answered and not once did he avert his gaze from her slits, he knew something was he waited.

"Can you do me a favor?~" she sang questionably, making the said dragon raise a brow and nod. "Make the hot spring bubble with your heat.~" the goth demanded and watched the old man's slits widen by just a fraction... Seeing him nod, he shut his eyes and paced over to the edge of the water.

He stared down at it with no emotion on his face at all until he squinted his eyes slightly, his fiery reiatsu spiked and he slowly stepped into the water. Everyone watched with either a quizzical look or surprise, they didn't think he'd actually do it... As time passed and everyone was back in their seats, the water was bubbling up a storm! Dao was just standing there in the middle, not fazed at all by the fact that he was a boiler for the water...

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