Chapter 65: Overwhelming Depression...

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In the squad four barracks, Kai was still asleep and the elder dragon had never moved from her side... In Kai's mind, even Ryu was trying to wake her up. Her inner world was of pure darkness, with falling ash and dried-up lava all around...not even Ryu's fiery, bright, flaming body would flicker in the surrounding ebony. "Kai...please...wake up... I know what happened...I saw it all happen when you charged after him... Kai, please... You didn't even demand me to join in on the just let me stand by and watch... My mistress...don't fall into darkness, you're better than this. Your heart of burning fire, your passion for great heat, your love for..." she trailed off, catching herself when she was about to mention her brother. "Kai... My lady, my You are like the flame on a candle, burning away at the top...please, I don't want to lose you... We are one, we have been united, us uniting as one being...allowed me a better understanding of your heart... You loved your brother to pieces, you grew up with him, he raised you and taught you so many things... One of those things...was to be strong and to never let anything let your everlasting flame, go out..." Ryu stated mournfully, her mature and strong voice was in a low tone.

"Your brother...was like the candle...and you were his fire... Without him, you feel like nothing...and if I am correct on that, then..." she paused a little longer than before. "Allow engulf you in my own flames. I will fuel your fire for you and if I don't help...then I'm sure...someone that you love, will..." her voice remained sorrowful. As if on cue, she had found Kai's form laying on the ground in the inner world. She looked dazed...curled up on her side with her hair down and makeup off.

Her beautiful, long black hair that went past her ankles, was sprawled out gracefully. The fire swirling in her slits were so faint...she looked gone in the eyes as if all life from her was drained... Her only brother...was killed...and losing someone precious to her for the first time, truly took its toll on her heart... Her mouth was slightly open, eyelids halfway over her slits, a complete daze in them, and her pale features appeared the same.

Kai wasn't moving, not one response... Ryu just kept staring at her as mourn took over even more at seeing her own mistress lay pain... "My Princess...don't let the darkness consume your fire..." she said one last time, with the emotion in her voice wavering and expressing pain. She closed her eyes and leaned over her body, sprawled out her beautiful wings then wrapped them around Kai's frame, and snuggled her into a warm embrace. She laid there with her and had her tail curl up around her flaming body, in a protective manner. scared, that she was going to lose her own mistress...

~~~Outside of her mind~~~

Daomig'rah was leaned up against the wall, arms crossed and eyes narrowed. He wasn't happy...his own...daughter was going through major depression and there was nothing he could do about it. Not even his lava blood gave her energy to wake up, so he remained there contemplating on his thoughts...questioning rather he should use his fiery reiatsu to fuel her...or to wait. He figured that if he used his flames to try and fuel her, it would put her through shock... She wasn't dying anymore, her mind just needs to awaken. daughter...your pain, is preventing you from waking up. Please...come back to me. I do not wish to lose you... I do not want to lose my kin... he said in his head, he was actually growing worried now and sorrow was engulfing his fierce dragon slits. Hearing the door open, Ikkaku rushed in while fighting off one of the turned Soul Reapers. He was using his sheathed Zanpakuto and jabbed the end of it strongly, in the middle of the vampire's forehead, and had its skull crush inward. When the vampire collapsed onto the floor, Madarame kicked it out with his foot harshly and closed the door quickly, before anymore tried to barge in.

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