Chapter 33: Complete Control!

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(Old note) A/N: Sup peeps! This Author's note is here to remind you, that the whole situation of money is still a problem. The internet, electricity and all SHOULD drop this month! As I said, I don't know why they didn't do it last month but nonetheless, luck was on our side and gave me an extra month of chapter making! So I hope you guys enjoyed this so far! Like before, if I stop updating after a while, then you'll know what happened. :)

Thank you all for reading this far and favoring my story, believe it or not, I greatly appreciate it! This story is not about to die anytime soon though, I WILL NOT STOP UNTIL IT'S FINISHED!

Now...I hope you enjoy this chapter! :D


In Kai's dream, images of Ikkaku and her Captain were facing each other, sheer anger and seriousness written on their faces. Oi, guys! Why are you starin' at each other like that?! the goth exclaimed angrily with clear irritation on her features and they didn't budge nor say a word; suddenly, Ikkaku took out his sword and Kenny did the same. Both jumping away from each other, they soon charged at one another and aimed their blades for their throats. She watched in surprise, questioning their antics, and was half tempted to knock them both upside their heads. The moment when they were about to collide, the dream changed to Ikkaku....grabbing her chin and quickly moving in for her lips.

Outside of her dream, she was laying there sleeping and snoring as loud as could be. Though she wasn't in her cell, she was in a different room and Morgus stood there watching her, shaking his head. He was smiling to himself since she stole his sleeping spot, laying sprawled out on his bed much like how a guy would when they're asleep. He just got back from doing Aizen's bidding when he returned to his room and found his sister out cold...on his bed.

Hearing a knock on his door, he looked at it and his grin fell immediately. He paced over to it, opened the door, and came face to face with an Espada whose slits bore into his brown eyes. "Yes, Ulquiorra?~" a smiling facade was placed on his face when he asked and closed his eyes.

"Is the Princess ready...? Yammy is waiting for her outside..." Ulqui replied with his green slits closing in the process. He learned of her location when Starrk informed him about seeing her entering Morgus's room.

"She's still asleep but I'll wake her!~I wouldn't want my sister to miss out on her battle date!~" he teased with a smirk and walked over to Kai. Eyeing her slumbering form, he leaned over with a soft shake to her shoulder, and him being her brother and all, he still knew how to wake her up. "Sister...~ A large buffet, has been prepared for you...~" With that, she shot up in her seat and rose a fist.

"I'M UP!" Kai shouted with the scene showing her in side-view. She had a wicked grin and narrowed slits, staring at the space before her. The goth blinked, taking a minute for everything to process then turned her head slowly, only to see Morgus leaning over her with a grin. "WHAT THE HELL, YOU IDIOT?!" Yelling, she had silly angry white eyes and sharp teeth, before banging a fist on top of his head.

His head jerked down from her punch, making him stumble forward just a tad. Straightening back up, he laughed to himself about that old trick he always did in the past. "Oh sis, you always fall for that, hahahahha!~" he laughed even more with a quick close of his eyes.

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