Chapter 36: Sparring to new power, pt. 2

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(Old note) A/N: Hey guys, here's the 2nd part of the last update! This one was 12 pages long so... I'm sure you see why I wanted to split this chapter up XD! Fair warning, in this, will be two songs. In this part, I didn't have any internet to use for attack command help; meaning, when an Espada uses an attack, they chant out the words first. So...I couldn't do that, since I needed the internet to look it up. I tried my best to make this really good, I've daydreamed about this fight for so long and I was FINALLY able to write it out! Hope you enjoy this!


With her head lowered to her lap, her face could not be seen. Her ponytail dangled off the side of her head and the top of her shoulders pointed towards Morgus. Her forearms faced her brother and the top of her gauntlets could be seen; the only thing that was heard was her deep and strong voice. "Fuse...Hueco Dragón...~" she stated.

Ryu unfolded her blazing wings and wrapped them around Kai's frame, with her head moving over the goth's face. Suddenly, her body began to glow the color of lava; the dragon slowly liquefied and fused into the punk's skin gradually changing in shape. Ryu's hollow mask was molten and glued itself onto Kai while her wings began to disappear and soak into her mistress's fiery mark on her back.

Still, her body looked as if it was melted even though it wasn't, the boned mask was magma-colored and kept its dragon shape. The Espada held their gaze upon the fusing goth and was surprised at the new spiritual pressure emitting from her form. Slowly but surely, her glowing magma body solidified back to normal. First, the bone mask, covered the upper half of her face, the tip going over the nose and the horns vertically sticking above the start of her ponytail. The mask was Ryu's, It too gave her eye sockets only her eyes were shut and her head was still in the previous position.

The tips of the spikes on her hair, remained molten like before from her bankai. Morgus's eyes widened at the sight, he knew he was in trouble... This''s different...stronger than mine, even...~ he mentally stated and his attention had not averted from her once, he was too shocked at her transformation.

"What's wrong with her....? She's just sitting there now..." Zommari questioned to no one in particular, whilst keeping his golden gaze glued to their Princess.

"It seems...she is mentally losing herself. Take a closer look, see how her head is twitching?" Szayel mentioned and his words made all the Espada squint their eyes; the goth's lowered head would twitch from right to left a few times. Though, one thing...caught everyone's ears...the sound of thick cracking ice echoing through the atmosphere. 

(The first part that's real deep, the rest...not so much.)

Throughout the entire resonance, something underneath the fiery mark on her back was moving...something hard.

All of a sudden, two VERY long wing-bones popped right out of her back where the tattoo was. Lava blood dripped off of them and some thin streams of it rolled down the bones. They wrapped around her and once they did, orange fire coated them, much like Ryu's wings. Her fiery spiritual pressure sparked much larger than usual with her remaining in the same posture as before. After a moment of waiting, her wings opened harshly and made a large gust whip all around her.

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