Chapter 24: The Unexpected

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A/N: WARNING! This chapter contains disturbing thoughts and scenes about bones, that you may be sensitive to! You have been warned...~ O.O


Inside his lab, Szayel gestured for her to sit down. A long table full of bones of all kinds of sizes littered the surface. The pinky stood a few inches from her, folded one arm under the other, and used his other arm to reach for his chin; a smirk went across his face after he adjusted his glasses.

Kai, on the other hand, scowled at the bones in front of her. She didn't like the idea of eating bones... Her narrowed slits went from looking at the littered mess, over to Szayel. "Seriously...? THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?! Sure I agreed to it, but no one said I had to eat THICK ones too!" she raged at the scientist, shooting her head in his direction.

The said Espada raised his hands in defense, shut his eyes, and kept that smile of his. "Well, you never asked~ The reason for lord Aizen and me, having you eat this... Is because it seems to be the only thing that won't get dissolved as quickly as normal foods.~ If you could eat as much as you can, I will try and figure how out to make specific food for you, that won't dissolve as quickly in your stomach's lava. You would be able to feel full, without eating so much! Oh, how interesting the results will be!" he sang with a girly background of pink and blues behind him, while faint flushes could be seen on the strange man.

Kai raised a brow at the guy, thinking about how weird... Yet similar he is to Captain Kurotsuchi. The man likes knowledge...just as much as she mentally questioned then shrugged afterward; looking at the bones now, she glared at some fish bones. She reached over and gazed upon the fish carcass with thoughts soaring in her mind. Damn, even I, know eating bones can kill someone... The bones being as sharp as they are, can puncture through the organs and cause internal bleeding...not mattering how small of fragments they're chewed up into... she spoke in her head, though got interrupted by the pinky's voice.

"Oh Princess, don't worry! I know what you're thinking, you're wondering why we would make you eat something that can be lethal to you internally, correct?!~" Szayel asked as he inched closer. He saw her slits dart in his direction, give a death glare, and frown.

"Naw shit... These bones could pierce through my organs you asshole! Damn, I don't know why I ever agreed to begin with! YOU'RE AN IDIOT, I'M AN IDIOT FOR NOT THINKING ABOUT THE DANGER, LORD AIZEN'S AN IDIOT FOR HAVING SUCH A DAMN THEORY!" she rushed off her seat, ran up to him, and pulled him close to her, by his shirt. "If you're trying to kill me, I will murder-" Before she could finish, Szayel covered her mouth and kept his smiling features evident.

"Lord Aizen and I both know, your body can take it. After I had analyzed the lava Cero, I took it upon myself to scan through your organs. I don't need to cut you up, to look at them.~ Besides, if I ever did open you up, your insides probably would have solidified! Haven't you ever noticed any lava blood of yours, dry up?" he asked with his eyes gazing into hers.

"Well... When I got cut over my eye, I did notice lava streaming out... It dried up instantly though and it took me a while to get it all off! I've always wondered why I bled out lava but that was long ago... I now know why Captain Kurotsuchi told me... Besides, it was fucking raining when I got I figured it dried up that quick, cause of that," she had let go of him to reply but saw he hadn't moved from the closeness between them... She got angry. "Why the hell are you so close to me?! I let you go dammit, so back up!" That only made him smirk and interest wavered in his yellow eyes.

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