Chapter 28: The Resurrection

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(Old note) A/N: HEY GUYS, IT'S BEEN SO LONG I KNOW! For some reason I still have's like they forgot to shut it off or something... shrugs Anyway, if I stop updating for a while and don't put up an author's note, that would mean it has been cut off. Though at least you all know what going on here at home, things tend to happen unexpectedly here... Thank you all for understanding you have no idea how much it means to me!

Now then on to the next topic.~ This chapter is so long... It was about 18 pages worth, in my writing program XD! Anyway, I hope you enjoy this! I know I did when... ahem The big man finally made his appearance! I had the whole scene of Daomig'rah's resurrection planned out from my daydreams! So I hope you enjoy this :D! It's intense in my opinion!

Sorry about the song in here, it's supposed to suit the event. The whole scene is fast-paced, it's just slow to read cause there's so much that's written. Wished the song was longer XD! Also, I had to fix Daomig'rah's name it was spelled wrong before xD!


In Kaiorin's room, there the said woman was, lying down. Snoring on her couch all sprawled out, her hair was no longer in its ponytail and it beautifully snaked out with her. Her Haori, which looked similar to the one she wore before becoming a Soul Reaper and to Ulquiorra's coat, was on the back of the couch. Her guitar sat next to her radio, cords, and all while her bike was propped up on its stick against the wall in the far corner of the room. A bowl of small bones and bone shards was on the floor at the other end of the couch, as the goth remained out cold, snoring away in her dreamland.

In her dream, there was a lot of food with arms and legs, running alongside her. Ramen, Bento, Gyudon, Yakitori, Tonkatsu, and Yakiniku; all ran with her as she laughed happily in the middle. In slow motion, she sprinted through a field of yellow and pink flowers with a pin, bubbly background in view. She was having fun, then soon the punk noticed one of her most favored dishes... A teriyaki chicken bowl with white rice and some veggies in it. It slowly turned around with a dreaded expression in the slow-motion scene while its arms and legs began to pick up the pace, running.

The goth reached her hand out with drool on her lips and wide eyes. "COME BACK, I WANNA EAT YOU!~" she screamed dramatically with desperation in her slits. The scene picked up in pace, making the teriyaki chicken bowl run faster and making the punk panic. Soon, from afar, it looked like a stampede of food and she was in the lead. That poor chicken bowl was getting gained on but somehow managed to increase its speed and ran for dear life, swinging its limbs back and forth, blindingly.

Outside of her dream, the door to her room opened, and in came Nnoitra. He walked over to her form just to notice her hair was down and her black makeup had faded away. To say the least, he looked rather amused by her indecent sleeping style and her lack of gothic makeup. He smiled real big with squinted eyes at the sight and stood in front of her sleeping form, thinking to himself how pretty she looked without all that black on her face. Hearing her mumble in her sleep, he leaned in just a fraction to try and catch what she was saying.

"C- Chicken... Eeeeat... I-... I wanna... Mmmmmm, bones..." The seven-footer didn't waver in his smile, he just kept gazing at her and finding her sleep-talking amusing. A small trickle of drool hung from the corner of her mouth as the goofiest grin grew on her lips and laughed to herself.

He folded his arms against his chest, after getting a brilliant idea about how to wake her up and it changed to show the back of his feet, his heels in view. One foot slowly rose high, clear up to his stomach, and slammed it back into the floor. That caused the floor to crack making an incredibly loud thunk echo and had the goth shoot up into her seat. "TARIYAKI, NOOOOOOOOOOOO! COME BAAAAAAAAAAAAAACK!~" Kai screamed out with a hand stretched out in front of her, desperately reaching for the invisible food. Her eyes were wide, her lips were in a frown and her teeth gritted into view. Gradually turning her head, there she saw Nnoitra grinning madly at her...

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