Chapter 34: A break-out announcement.

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(Old note) A/N: Hey guys, I'M FINALLY BACK AFTER BEING GONE FOR SO LONG! I'm so excited, I get to finally write on this again! I've been writing chapters while the internet was out so that I could upload a lot of them all at once. Thank you very much for your patience and support! Your reviews are greatly appreciated and they always help motivate me when I'm at a loss for ideas! They help encourage me, believe it or not.~ :)

Fair warning, after this chapter, songs will be listed more frequently since a lot of events will be happening. It's getting deeper and deeper into the plot! Lastly, for those who didn't know, I've changed the rating to 18 or older. You'll find out why later.~


Walking down the hall, the goth put her arms up behind her head with her earbuds in her ears. Thoughts swarmed her mind and her slits were glued to the ceiling, watching every tiny bump pass her up. The song Wasteland after war by Eutectica played, even though it didn't suit her moment; just listening to it was entertaining enough. How can he speak...and growl like that...? mentally asked the goth with boredom. The rhythm's good, the guitar is awesome, buuut...that growling shit doesn't seem to add up... Awe-whatever, it's not all that bad... she stated and left it playing away; she still felt that ache in her heart from that home-sick feeling. She was getting kind of tired being there, but hey, she gets to fight all she wants right? "Damn, I wished I had an option to travel between the Soul Society and Hueco Mundo..." Kai spoke before shutting her eyes. Both places feel like home...yet both places hold my treasure. Friends in the Soul Society and endless fights in Hueco Mundo... Damn it...damn it, damn it, DAMN IT, DAMN IT! she mentally raged and grew an angry feature to her.

Kai was making her way to Aizen until she felt a lump under her foot. She paused in her step, rubbed her foot back and forth to test out its roundness, and not once moved her lava eyes to see it. Once the song ended, she reached in her white pant pocket and stopped the play-through. Stuffing it back in, she peered down and lifted her heel only to notice a fat, round, black marker. The goth rose a brow at it, leaned over, and picked it up to scan it.

Next, she turned it, flipped it, and came across a word written in bold. "Hm...Soul Marker, eh...? Wow....whoever the person was that invented this...picked out a pretty bland name for it..." a bored glare was present as it was held up a few inches from her face. "Hmmm..." Humming in thought, she tapped the top of the marker on her chin then rolled her slits just to her right. There stood a door with the number one in gothic font printed on it. With the scene changing to show her mouth, it grew into a wicked grin whilst maniacal chuckles emitted from her.

The scene changed again, showing a red-wrapped hand holding the marker next to the number one and had its cap off. Slowly and sloppily, the hand-brushed down and made its ink draw out. The goth stood back and viewed her work, still grinning that signature smile of hers. Placing her hands on her hips and the marker in her pocket, she chuckled to herself. What was written on Starrk's door...was simply...the same number....1. "Pfft...heheheheheheheh... Eleven.~" she walked off while still laughing lowly then stuffed her hands in her pockets. Though, one thing made her halt in her place and freeze at the realization. " this...what I think it is...?!" questioned the punk in a hushed whisper, with widened eyes. Taking the marker back out to examine it once more, another grin formed. So, that's how they get those! she mentally shouted then bolted, rushing through hallway after hallway in search for Aizen.

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