Chapter 19: LET IT ALL OUT!

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(Old note) A/N: Fair warning, the song in this chapter explained Morgus to the T! I have looked all over Youtube for the perfect song and found this one. I thought it was singing about incest or something but it wasn't, so I looked it up and it's nothing like what you think :D! I couldn't find any other song more perfect than this one, so I hope you enjoy it! :D


My dear, sister... Oh, how much I love how you're living with me now; no more separations... All I wish for you to rely on me, as I am in fact...your brother. Rely on me to protect you, rely on me to cry on... Rely... Rely... Depend... Treat me like family. You are all I care about, you are the fire in my darkness, the excitement in my bland life. Morgus's disembodied voice echoed through nothingness, gradually showing the said man's feet pacing down a hallway. His long black locks that were tipped with brown, swayed gracefully as a small smirk formed and his brown eyes squinted.

As he walked, he passed Coyote with that smirk of his. Shadow masked his eyes and a face of a killer was written on his grinning features. When Starrk saw that face, it made him mentally question what he was doing or thinking. After he was a few distances apart from the brunette, he followed in secrecy upon feeling that something was bound to happen.

In a first-person view, Kaiorin's door grew nearer and nearer, as he walked. On the other side of the door, it showed her grinning from cheek to cheek, staring at instruction papers that were held in her grasp and reading them pretty fast with eagerness visible. Her sitting cross-legged on the floor, her guitar aside from her, she grabbed the neck of it and pulled it closer. "Alrighty then, so this is the highest pitch, that's the lowest... And as I string the instrument it raises to the highest pitch... DUH! Anyone with a brain would understand that!" Kai was annoyed that the instructions for beginners were explaining the pitch. "On to the next stage! Reading these symbols, that are on some lines," she mentioned, right before her door opened up and revealed Morgus. Though, she didn't notice since she was too fixated on the instructions.

"Dear sister... I want to speak with you, without you attacking me.~ Please hear me out," His voice rang through the goth's ears, making her freeze with widened eyes and a pout on her lips. Just by hearing his muscly tone, her lava blood already began to boil into heaping anger. Her breaths became hard to control, her body struggled to resist shaking and her mind tried to stay calm. She refused to look at him, if she did then the amount of control she had now would fade.

"Lord Aizen had indeed asked me to bring you with us, to Las Noches... I could have refused, but I didn't want him touching you himself. You see, if he had done it himself, it would have been a nightmare to see you get hurt. Therefore, I accepted and planned two ways for your possible kidnapping. Plan A, was to guide you to that hill and hope you remain oblivious to that event... Plan B was... If plan A failed and a raise of suspicion caught your attention, I would be forced to knock you out. I took up the job of taking you with us, cause I didn't want you to get hurt. I'll do anything, to keep what family I have, left...~" he finished his explanation and caused multiple questions to fill Kai's head.

"Why...?" the goth asked from the distance and stayed in the same frozen posture. Morgus blinked and cocked his head.

"Hm?~" the man asked, who knitted his brows in confusion.

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