Chapter 56: The kill

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A/N: Hey guys, I decided to skip the whole Ginjo series since it was mostly in the world of the living. Most things will take place in the Seireitei so, I had to :/

Hope you enjoy this chapter too! :D


Maiya was rushing to the prison Morgus was in, she opened the door and found his cell not long after. Her eyes widened, she saw him standing there looking up at the only window in there. His back was to the bars and stood a bit away from his seat. All she could hear was low maniacal laughter and small murmurs of words from him.

"Murder them...kill them...mutilate them...they will pay...especially Tatsibura...~ Heeeehehehehehe...~" Morgus sang to himself in a low tone with a big smirk playing on his lips. Only one thing caught his attention, it was when Maiya spoke up and tapped her index finger on one of the bars.

"Sestsuen?" she spoke up, soon having the said man turn and look over his shoulder. His brown eyes looked dead...they looked like Aizen's brown ones... Rolling his head back a little bit, he hummed muscly in delight and question at seeing his second target standing there. Her elven eyes narrowed at his antics, she knew he was murderous but she had to know where her idol went. "Where did Koumetsu go?" blinked the girl as she tried to act like she wasn't up to anything only to earn chuckles from him right after.

"Ooooh?~ And, why would you want to know that, are you perhaps...hiding something?~ You barely know her, yet- you're wondering where she is?~ How...suspicious..." the last word spoken, sounded dark.

"B- Because, I want to be there when she plays her instrument again! I love how she plays it, she's exciting, wild, and fiery!" the girl gushed, using that as an excuse even though it was true. She placed a hand on her own cheek and blushed at how awesome her gothic idol was.

"Hmhmhmhm...~ You expect me to believe that...? I know that you and your friend are up to something, so don't lie to me now...~ When I get out, I will find out one way or another..." he answered, stepped closer to the bars, and leaned in towards her short form. His nose was touching hers in between the bars, his brown eyes gazed deeply and menacingly into her own. "I can't paint the floor with your blood...when I get out... Your friend comes first though, so no need to rush.~" he chuckled darkly once more and had shade cast over his features since his head was tilted down.

She blushed heavily at the proximity and backed away in a heartbeat, she could feel her heart racing ninety miles per hour. "I'll...just go ask the...erm...C-Captain..." she stuttered and dashed out of the building, leaving the murderous man all alone in his cell.

Donieri raced through the seireitei in search of Kai's Captain, ending up in the eleventh division, and ran up to his office. She was panting while standing in front of his door, standing there to try to calm herself down. Finally, she reached up and opened his door only to reveal an empty room. "Gah-!" she gasped with one eye twitching. "Now where is he at?! Come on, I'm tired of running all over the place!" she yelled out of frustration and shut the door, then bolted to go look for the tall man.

She searched his training hall, training field, everywhere and had no luck... She leaned over and put her hand on her knees, panting. "Sheesh, where is that guy?!" her voice rose in between breaths when suddenly a pair of feet came into her view, she jerked slightly at the sight and blinked. Raising back up, it was the very Captain she had been looking for. "Captain Zaraki, there you are! I've been looking for you!" she exclaimed then composed herself.

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