Chapter 40: The plan

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"I-...Ikkak-...ku...." the goth mumbled in her sleep as she laid on her couch. Next to her sat her brother, he too was asleep. It was nine in the morning and they were still passed out. Dao was leaned up against the wall in the shadows, watching her from the distance, and had his glowing slits pierce right through.

I will protect her... he mentally spoke and folded his arms, his long black fingernails tightly clamped onto his biceps. That Aizen male is lucky that I do not know my way around his palace, or I would have already killed him by now... he finished and moved his lava eyes over to the door. The sound of shifting met his ears and made him peer over at the punk, he saw her slowly sit up.

Kai sat on the edge of her seat, rubbed the back of her head...? she blinked at feeling no lump on the top of her scalp and felt around some more, her eyes held drowsiness. After feeling around for a moment, the realization finally processed and she froze in her spot. Eyes wide and mouth in a frown, she put her arm down and sat there. "Where's my red band?!" she yelled in question with an irk mark on her head, soon noticing her old man. "Have you seen it...?" annoyance laced her words when she asked.

"Yes... I have removed it. I thought it would help you sleep more comfortably, it is over the end of your couch..." Dao replied and pointed to it with his gaze. She looked over and saw it, then nodded.

"Thanks... Did you carry us?" she asked and reached for her band. While messing with her hair, she held the band in her mouth until her black locks were ready to put up.

"Yes...." That was all he answered with, whilst watching her put her hair up.

"Mmmmmk-... From now on man, stay here. I don't need ya attacking Aizen and getting sedated again, your ass was heavy enough to drag back down here! I'm gonna practice my guitar elsewhere, don't wanna wake up my bro," the goth stated and walked over, then grabbed her instrument. She picked up everything that went with her guitar and carried it all out, leaving a sleeping Morgus and her great-granddaddy alone.


"Wow, this place is already getting fixed up... All the shit that went on recently, I'm surprised they even managed to patch up that clean-cut I made before. HA-! Knowing Mr. high and mighty the second, he made all the servants in the castle work their butts off!" she shouted in humor and laughed to herself, with her instrument and other assets in her hold. Looking around, she took notice of a clearing on a balcony and it had a railing on the edge. She grinned, paced over to the balcony, and sat her things down in the middle. The fake, warm sun beamed down on her and the clearing, making her feel refreshed from the heat; muffled giggling could be heard from her after she sat down cross-legged.

She grabbed her guitar, opened a book, and played the song she wanted to practice. Like before, she studied and filled in the guitar pieces in the song. She strung the strings, messed up several times but still kept going. About thirty-two minutes later, Grimmjow spotted her and stood behind her frame, watching her practice. Every repeat of the song, she seemed to get a tiny bit better. He quirked a brow at her and stuffed his hands in his pockets. He thought about her, Dao's frightening power, and how she could be that strong one day. It sent a few shivers down his spine from seeing the image of her fused form being at the elder's power level. ( Lol, Dbz! xD)

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