Chapter 70: Bring back the fire!

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(Old note) A/N: HEY GUYS, YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW LOOOOOOONG, I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS MOMENT! This chapter is very long but for a good reason.~

I hope you all like this one, I've daydreamed about this whole chapter before and I could FINALLY, write it out!!!


"So...? What's your decision?" Shinji questioned Maiya, who sat on the floor in the middle of the room. The Visoreds all surrounded her with serious faces, they kept their eyes on her and hoped for a positive choice.

Maiya's head was held low, side bangs covered the side of her face and her arms behind her back. Tears were down her cheeks, eyes were hidden by shadow, and her mouth was slightly agape. She was able to open her eyes to the truth, to see through the manipulation and now...she regrets every action she took long ago. Slowly, she lifted her head and the look in her eyes...would've made any hollow run for their afterlives. She looked as if she made up her mind and to their relief, her decision was good. "I'll fight...and kill those vampires," the girl replied with a low voice and her mouth in a stern line.

Everyone smiled, they liked the choice she made and was happy to know...that they were able to save at least SOMEONE from Kisaki. "Good. Now, let's head out to the Seireitei. I'm sure the Soul Reapers there will need all the help they can get," Shinji grinned and walked towards her. He unsealed the bindings on her and turned on his feet, his back facing her. "Come on, we've got a lot of work to do!" his voice rose and gestured for everyone to follow.

Donieri was astonished, she thought they would be hesitant at first when they heard she'd help them... Regardless, she smiled, stood to her feet, paced out of the entrance of the building with everyone else, and trailed along. As time passed, they went to a secret location and had the Senkaimone open up. They bolted through the doors of the gate, rushed through the thing, and got into the Soul Society. She and the Visoreds all descended to the ground, landed perfectly on their feet, and saw an impressive fight going on in the distance.

R-Reicon?! Maiya questioned in surprise and watched the Cyborg fight all out against that abnormal Soul Reaper, her mauve eyes wavered in awe at how powerful he truly was... Though something made him stop and she saw how he was acting, thrashing about with his hands on his head. He had seen the Senkaimone slowly close, so he rushed to the gate and reached out to it. Even after the doors closed just before his fingers could touch it, he remained in the air as if he had missed his chance at something. Oddly enough, she could feel concern and desperation radiating off him...which made him confusedly knit her brows. Weird, he's a could he have any emotion? Didn't...Kisaki modify him, so he couldn't feel any emotion at all? The better question is...why, was he acting like that...? her questioned monologue echoed then suddenly felt a hand grab a hold of her and drag her back.

"Let's go!" Hachi demanded with a serious voice and pulled her along with him.

Maiya did as she was told, but looked over her shoulder and saw him descend to the ground. The orange top caught him though, helped him to the ground, and laid him on his backside. The young woman wondered who that boy was but didn't want to really worry about it, she was there to help now so seeing Reicon being taken care of...actually relieved her. The mauve-eyed girl was surprised that the boy and the twelfth Captain didn't notice her nor the Visoreds

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