Chapter 35 Sparring to new power, Pt.1

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(Old note) A/N: This chapter is 15 pages long, so I had to cut this whole event into two parts XD. Hope you enjoy this chapter!


"Lord Aizen!~" A muscly voice echoed as it showed the outside of Las Noches. The donkey himself was sitting on his throne, thinking about who knows what... His head was resting against his loose knuckles while his elbow remained on the chair arm and his other arm lazily laid on the other chair arm; his brown eyes were shut whilst a passive smile graced his lips. Hearing footsteps patter across the floor, he opened one eye and saw Szayel trotting in his direction.

"Yes, Szayelapporo?" he questioned the pinky and not once opened his other eye.

"I present to you, the lava immune-sleep liquid!~ The chemistry was a success! I took a DNA sample from Koumetsu's hair and mixed it in with the substance! This is completely immune to magma of all levels of heat!" he explained excitedly while holding up a syringe with the said stuff in it. Aizen moved his eyes down to view the object then back up to the Espada.

"Excellent... Do tell me, how long will we have to wait, for it to take effect?" the leader asked while keeping his gaze glued to the pinky. He rose his head up off his knuckles and appeared intrigued by the announcement.

"It will take eight to ten seconds, for its effects to act. Considering the anti-bodies within lord Daomig'rah, it should take up around that long. His lava blood disintegrates all unwanted chemicals that enter his body, so his anti-bodies are bound to be weaker in comparison. The substance being immune to lava, it will not take long for it to take effect.~" Szayel spoke in reply, whilst adjusting his glasses with a grin.

"Perfect... When the time comes, use it on the previous ruler. Koumetsu should not be a problem since she has gained control over her bankai and is far inferior to the rest of the Espada. Though for safety measures, be sure to take another dose of your invention; wouldn't want Hueco Mundo's Princess to become blinded with rage and I certainly do not want her harmed...unless she is sparring, of course," With Aizen's words, Szayel bowed to his waist while moving a hand over his chest.

"Yes, lord Aizen.~" the scientist was pleased to hear that Aizen approved of his invention. A smile spread across his lips after thinking about few inventions that he's made since Kai arrived in Las Noches.


Kai was pacing down the hall of Las Noches, having her thumbs hooked to her pant pockets and had a bored look to her face, Her white sleeveless trench coat swayed behind her, alongside her ponytail. With a piece of a bone shard sticking out of her mouth, you could see it twitching up and down at times. "Damn, it's almost in the afternoon! Where's Morgus at?!" the goth questioned under her breath then gritted her teeth; she rolled her eyes up at the ceiling and squinted them all the while in irritation. "Tch-, he better not wuss-out on me... He asked me to train with him, so he could get stronger..." Hidden thoughts soon engulfed her blazing slits, trying to think of new ways to pick on the prick. A grin stretched widely when an idea popped up, she laughed to herself and bolted down the hall. With one swift movement of her mouth, the bone shard went all the way in her mouth and emitted a loud crunch after she chomped down to chew.

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