Chapter 53: Her second envy

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In the world of the living, some double doors appeared high in the sky and slowly opened up. They looked like they came from the feudal era of Japan, both doors were sliding away from each other and revealed some soul reapers at the entrance. There stood Kaiorin and everyone stood side by side, of course...Kai was on her bike. Apparently, Ikkaku managed to get on her motorcycle, his arms were wrapped around her waist and his face was slightly flushed. "Kai, do I really need to hold onto you like this...?" he questioned, feeling uncertain of the position he was in.

The goth was sitting on her seat, both hands were gripping on the handles and an excited grin was plastered on her face. Adjusting her sunglasses, she looked over her shoulder and chuckled at the unsure man. "It said so in the manual man, don't blame me for this position.~" she playfully stated...even though she felt weird with his arms around her... It was the same feeling as when her Captain caught her around her waist, before jumping out of the window. Her cheeks were a little red from the contact, but safety came first. Revving up her engine, the wheels spun harshly in place against the flooring and made smoke rise into the air. "HOLD ON TIGHT, HAHAHAHAHAHA!" she laughed hard, threw her head backward, and let her bike strongly jerk them ahead.

"WAIT A MINUUUUTE!" he screamed out before they even rode off the edge of the entrance. With no response from the goth, he gritted his teeth and looked down. The ground was so far down and he watched the land below him scroll past his line of sight as if they were soaring through the sky; his eyes widened at the view, then looked back up at Kai in surprise. "ARE YOU INSANE?!" he yelled out, before feeling gravity pull on them. They were a ways away from the senkaimon now, Rangiku and the gang behind them were all gawking at her unexpected action.

"HELL YEAH I AM, BWAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!" Kai laughed even harder, rose her spiritual pressure, and fused it into her bike. Now they were falling harshly to the earth and luckily, everything was tied down tightly...or else her things would've met death early...

Up at the gate, Rangiku, Renji, and Yumichika all remained at the opening watching the crazy woman speed towards the surface. Renji whistled in amaze and a grin was evident, he had to admit...that was pretty crazy of her. "She's daring, won't that machine of hers break?" he asked and kept his gaze focused at their falling forms.

"Yeah... It's a machine, it's obvious it'll break. I don't think she's aware of that..." Yumi answered, while he too watched them both descend. Rangiku, who sat on the surface, stood up then stepped closer to the edge of the opening with curious eyes and put a hand over them to try and see better.

"I agree, it should break from this height.~" the blonde stated then rose back up, she smiled soon after and looked over at the two. "Well, let's not get left behind!~ Come on!" she exclaimed gleefully and flash stepped out of sight. The other two just stood there, looked at each other, and smirked.

"Yeah, what she said!" Renji spoke up, it was his turn to vanish from sight. The fifth-seater sighed and shook his head, mentally thinking about the lack of beauty there was in the punk's action; he too flashed out of view.

Back with Kai, she was still laughing, and believe it or not her veins couldn't be seen from her excitement. Her gigai was a great cover-up for that and was a good way to look more...normal. She rose the front part of her bike, landed on the back wheel, and accelerated forward on that same wheel. She zoomed down the roads of Katakura town, passing up bystanders and having people watch in shock. "KAI, STOP AT THIS NEXT HOUSE!!" Madarame yelled only to have her nod and move the bone shard to the other corner of her mouth. She grinned, turned her bike sideways, skidded to a halt, and skillfully stopped in front of the said dwelling.

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