Chapter 27: The victim to abduction!

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In Kai's cell, the goth sat with her legs crossed. She was meditating and training in her inner world, most likely fighting her beast of a Zanpakuto. The room was quiet, her eyes were shut, and her lips were in a frown. Only a single ray of moonlight peeked through the window, high above her form.

It changed to show her with Ryu, in her volcanic-looking world. "That's enough for now, you just woke up from using your bankai... So rest, tomorrow I want more breathing exercises from you. The entire time you and I fought, not once have you used the calming method I have been telling you to practice..." Ryu demanded with her solid flaming gaze, meeting Kai's.

"Yeah-yeaaah...I know already..." the punk replied with a wave of a hand, facing her dragon, putting her arms up behind her head, and peering up at the dark sky. Ashes fell from above, and not one star was in sight. "Hey... Ryu...?" she asked, making the dragon raise her head a fraction.

"Yes...?" Ryu questioned in return, she softly flapped her blazing wings and landed gently on the surface.

"I wished I could see Ikkaku, Yumichika, Rangiku, and my Captain again... To be honest, they made me feel...normal... Like I of them. Sure I wasn't expecting to make a couple of friends, who knew having a friend would make you feel a bit more...alive," she mentioned and made her slits view the ash-falling sky.

"Yes Kai, friendship is nice to have... Especially if you've been mistreated after Morgus's first betrayal... You were called a demon, a monster, etc, all because of your eyes... Yet those Soul Reapers accepted you without knowing who or what you truly are," Ryu replied with a bit of a soft tone to her.

Kai sat down with a sigh escaping her lips and crossed her legs, folding her arms against her torso. Not long after, she shut her eyes and lowered her head, thoughts began to swarm her mind like a hive of bees. "If they were to find out though, wouldn't they be afraid...? Wouldn't they...distance themselves from me...? They would hate me, I'm sure..." She opened her eyes halfway and remembered the eating contest with Ikkaku, the ball Rangiku bought her, the training with Yamamoto, Captain Zaraki fighting her, etc. She especially thought about that strange pink-haired little girl, about how she assumed he was already with someone. Her face got red at the thought and pure embarrassment became evident.

"Kai... I know what you're thinking, so please hear me out... Captain Zaraki doesn't like you in that way; I know this because I was there those several times when you were around the man... He hardly ever looked at you in such ways, he only showed amusement... You've got to forget about telling your Captain how you feel, he won't return your feelings..." the dragon stated with concern, she knew full well what was going on in her head.

The goth snapped, her face lit up and she perked her head up to her dragon. A dangerous scowl grew across her black lips and her eyes squinted at her zanpakuto's statement. "How the hell did you know....? You're no mindreader, plus how in the world do you know what it's like to feel that way towards-" she got cut off by her own Zanpakuto's fierce voice which boomed over the goth's ears.

"I AM APART OF YOU, KAIORIN! I CAN FEEL WHAT YOU FEEL, I CAN EVEN NOTICE THINGS THAT YOU DO NOT! IF YOU DO NOT HEED MY WARNING, YOU WILL BE HEARTBROKEN!" It was Ryu's turn to snap, she didn't like the fact that Kai refused to listen. "Your view of love for that man is a mere crush that you can easily get over!" she finished with a much calmer yell than before; Kai sat there, glaring daggers at Ryu. Finally, she averted her slits from the dragon, stood up, and faced her again. "Kai don't you dare leave! We have much to discu-" Poof... Like that the goth was gone and her disappearing cut the dragon's speech off abruptly.

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