Chapter 57: A new song to practice!

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Urahara, Ikkaku, Kai, Ichigo, and Yumichika all sat around the table in the shop. Renji was sitting cross-legged, Koumetsu sat cross-legged with one elbow resting on one knee and her chin was placed in the palm of her hand. Ikkaku was leaned up against the wall, arms folded, and sheathed Zanpakuto was over his shoulder. Ichigo sat at the table with Kisuke, asking about everything that was going on in the Soul society. Everything was explained to him, about Dao and Yama having a truce and all. The two kids were in bed at this time, everyone had already eaten and now they all just sat there in silence.

"So, have you talked with the Head Captain yet?" Madarame asked and rose a brow, his eyes glued to the man.

"Yeah, luckily I was able to provide information for him. Apparently, there were Soul Reapers who were working underhandedly, for someone else. Captain Kyouraku and Captain Ukitake went to go look through more records that were further into the past. It seems that all the deaths that the underhanded Soul Reapers had dealt, were on half breeds and abnormal beings that hold more than one blood in them. Like Koumetsu there, she's a half-breed Soul Reaper, and Ichigo, you're a substitute with a hollow side to you. You guys may just get attacked if you're not careful, because those Soul Reapers that worked for another, died by lord Daomig'rah," Kisuke explained and had a strict feature to him, knowing what was going on.

" there might be some people who still work for this...person and may or may not, come after us next?" Ichigo questioned the man and looked over at the goth, thinking about how she would be able to handle that.

"It's not a may or may not, it's a fact. They will come after you two eventually, along with Koumetsu's brother. The Vizards would be attacked as well but that's if they reveal themselves to the public about their hollow mask and Shinigami powers. All they'll have to do is stay hidden until this whole mess is over with," Urahara stated, then began fanning himself with a frown plastered.

"Great, so we've got another big bad eh...?" the goth mumbled and rolled her slits then laid down on her back with her arms behind her head.

"Unfortunately we don't have the slightest clue, to who this person is. Though if the two Captains continue to dig around in the ancient records, they're bound to run into something sooner or later. that I think about it, I do recall Captain Ukitake saying that a gigai from over a thousand years ago went missing. He said it was a body that was too small for its owner and its owner had died soon after it was made." the fanning man said and looked up at the ceiling in thought, thinking about the details the gigai had on him. "All I know about the gigai, was that it was around...eight-foot tall..." he added, before peering down to view the others.

"SHIT, EIGHT FOOT?! THT SOUNDS AWESOME! I BET HE WAS STRONG, HAHA!" Kai rose to her feet and laughed, thinking about the possible strong individual. Both fists up close to her torso and a huge grin on her lips.

"I have no idea how strong the man was but perhaps Captain Kurotsuchi could assist us with that part. I could ask him if he could look into his files and see what information he may have," Kisuke said with a smile adorning his face.

"Wait, what about the unknown person? I know you said that they might run into something about them, but what if nothing comes up?~" Yumichika asked and knitted his brows.

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