Chapter 46: The beginning of a new mystery

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(Old note) A/N: HEY GUYS, IT'S ABOUT DANG TIME MY NEW PLOT COMES INTO PLACE! This is a beginning of a new mystery, the title says it all. A new plot, that I thought of for when she goes back to the Soul Society! This whole theory of mine is so that Kai can finally find out who she loves and this new arc is supposed to help her grow closer to her destined lover!

A new arc, a new plot... The Beginning of a new mystery! I hope you enjoy!~


Nothing but high-pitched, girly laughter echoed throughout an apartment. As the scene zoomed in on the apartment, it showed someone on the inside, a girl with maroon-colored hair in a side ponytail and long bangs over one eye. Her eyes were shaped like an elf's eye and her frame was tiny. She was five feet tall and two inches, wearing a shihakusho. "Your body won't go to waste, it will be in my stomach!" she laughed and had a butcher knife in her hand. She stood over a countertop, stabbing away at something and...wore an apron? It changed to show her tiny form standing on a stool, stabbing evilly at some raw chicken next to a stove... "DON'T DEFY ME AND MY STOMACH!" yelled the girl while having a happy smile on her face. The color of her eyes was mauve, she had a tiny little white skull clip holding up her ponytail and its eye sockets was shaped like hearts.

 The color of her eyes was mauve, she had a tiny little white skull clip holding up her ponytail and its eye sockets was shaped like hearts

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"Maiya! Are you murdering your dinner again?!" a man's voice yelled into the kitchen and around the corner, his head poked out from behind. "I'd hate to be that chicken...~" he mumbled teasingly and stared blankly at the girl's backside.

"Oh, hi Haro!" she chirped and turned around, leaving that butcher knife inside the poor thing. "How was training, did it go well?" the girl asked and walked up to him. His hair was odd but interesting. It was short, his right side was swept back and slick while his other side had long bangs over his left eye; the slicked-back side of his hair was red and his other side was black. He wore an earring on his right ear, it was shaped like a vampire cross and it was dark red. Every time rays would cast over it, the shine would be a blood-red color.

His eyes were abnormal, the pupils appeared like diamond-shaped slits and his eye color was yellow. His eye shape was odd too, the corners close to his nose were curved down and the outer corners were curved up. He almost looked like some fancy vampire, due to his skin being so dead-pale; he had black eyeliner just on his upper lids.

 He almost looked like some fancy vampire, due to his skin being so dead-pale; he had black eyeliner just on his upper lids

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