Chapter 11: A test of what you know

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The punk-goth was seen running across the top of the walls, jumping from one to another. A random soul reaper had been pacing down a path with a big stack of papers when a large gust of wind blew hard then made his stack tumble and fly through the air. "GAAAH! My Captain's paperwork!" the soul reaper panicked and tried his darnedest to catch'em all. Luckily, they all floated to the ground instead of flying far away.

"Put some fu*king rope around it!" Kai's strong voice echoed as she ran down the wall's edge. The scene changed to show her crazy grinning face with squinted lava eyes, sprinting with her arms moving back and forth. The head Captain's gonna train me today... WOOOOOOOO! HELL YEAH! HAHAHAHAHA! she mentally cheered. THEN I GET TO KICK THE SHIT OUTTA IKKAKU! HAHAHAHAHAHAAAA! TODAY'S GONNABE A BLASST!! her excited monologue echoed and her large grin never faltered.

DING! A random but comical sound appeared as soon as the scene changed, to show Kai sweeping the Dojo's floor. She looked annoyed while a sweatdrop hung on the side of her head, her lips were in a frown and barely puckered, to show irritation. Really... Did he really just make me...sweep the damn floor...? OF ALL THINGS WE COULD BE DOIN' RIGHT NOW!? she raged in her head, making hysterical angry faces.

The old man stood in the door's frame with his arms crossed and both eyes open, watching her closely as she swept. Seeing her with a sudden change in expression, his eyes squinted a bit.

She had a mischievous grin plastered on her face and a slanted gaze. Heeeeeee...heee..heeheheheheheheheeee... Plan B... As mischievous as ever, grabbing tighter onto the broom's handle she dashed down the floor and began picking up her pace. Back and forth she continuously went, going faster and faster until the dust in the whole room stirred into the air; blinding the head captain and making him shut his eyes. Once the dust cleared, he opened one eye and after a couple of seconds of gazing through the flown dirt, he grew shocked at the view. The whole floor was spotless, it even sparkled!

How in the world did she make this flooring, look as if it were polished?! The Head Captain shockingly yelled in his mind, as he gasped at the sight. He noticed her standing there with the broom in hand and on top of its bristles. Having a huge grin and slanted lava eyes present, she was looking all over the room and didn't even care to glance his way.

The head Captain cleared his throat with his hand in front of his mouth and the other on his cane. He saw her look his way and watched as her features changed from that wicked grin to a neutral one. "Suup?~" she asked in a slang style, tilted her head a bit to the side, and had that same look to her.

"That..." he started, before sighing. "Was supposed to be a test...of your patience... And it seems you lack in it... You grew bored as soon as you began... Which were two minutes ago..." he stated before walking toward her. He leaned his cane on the nearest wall and held up his fists, with a strict feature to his eyes. "Show me what you've learned on your own... From there, I will decide where to start you off in this training," his stern voice demanded. Seeing Kai smirk with her teeth in view, he felt as if he asked a wildfire to spread.

About five minutes into the spar, the Dojo had a lot of cracks, craters on the floor, and walls. One of the old man's eyes twitched from the performance and grew a bit agitated by her wild attacks. "That's enough, Kaiorin Koumetsu! It appears there is a lot to be taught... You lack self-control... Fight me with your hands alone, put your Zanpakuto away, and raise your fists! You've only stepped into the beginning of counter-attacking...but you need to learn how to block and dodge! Tomorrow you will learn how to dance... Dancing is a part of evading and moving swiftly, as well as how to be more flexible. For now, I shall teach you the basics of hand-to-hand combat." he explained and saw how her expression fell into confusion.

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