Chapter 38: Wrath of the old ruler!

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(Old note) A/N: I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS MOMENT FOR SO LONG! TIME FOR HER OLD OOOOLD MAN TO SHINE AND SHOW THEM HOW POWERFUL HE IS!~ WOOOOOOT! Again, short songs in this chapter... I couldn't find long enough versions for them. Please understand, if there are any mistakes in these few chapters regarding their skills please PM me! I didn't have internet when I was writing these chapters, so I had to resort to the references I gathered. I tried my darnedest with writing without the internet, so I hope you enjoy this chapter too!~

(New Note) The picture above- I couldn't find a proper one with specific Espadas in it that's shown in this chapter, so that's the best I got. XD


That roar...sounded throughout the entire palace and with that, it alerted all of the Espada excluding the ones that are still in the infirmary... BURST! The door to the room that Aizen and Gin resided in, crumbled and shot forward. The said two men watched the dragon himself pace towards them slowly, teeth and fists clenched, veins glowing, hair flailing up with his fuming reiatsu and his slits thinner. Him, being pissed, would be an understatement... "Gin, go alert the other Espada...and go get Szayelapporo," Aizen demanded and saw his comrade bow in response.

"Yes, lord Aizen.~" With that, he vanished...but only got caught by Dao's grasp. His hand gripped tightly on Gin's throat, then tossed him aside harshly. Gin crashed through walls and ended up outside of the palace, in the white sandy plains. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" he roared out and ran after Aizen to grab him. Just before he even managed to do so, the surface beneath him cracked and a giant hole caved in. The old man fell several floors down and when he landed, dust littered the surroundings.

The donkey himself trotted out of the room, then flash stepped out of sight in search for the pinky. I believe now, is the time for that sleep injection. he mentally spoke and waltzed down the hall.

Dao slowly stood to his feet, his reiatsu still fumed and his dragon growl continued to rumble. Suddenly, he got surrounded by most of the Espadas in a large circle. Starrk, Barragan, Haribel, Ulquiorra, Nnoitra, Grimmjow and Yammy. They all took out their swords but the weight of his pressure pushed on them strongly. The air around them was so thin, that they could hardly breathe, thus Barragan shouted to gain their attention. "EVERYONE, GO OUTSIDE! We will do better to fend him off if we have more space! MOVE!" With that, everyone sonidoed away in one direction and left an enraged dragon behind.

(This is it, the moment we've all been waiting for! Great granddaddy doesn't like being used.~ Here's his enraged theme!)

Dao stood there, then gradually rose his head and screamed out in rage once more. He turned and faced the direction the Espadas were in, then he made his way over.

Down the hall, the Espadas were rushing towards an exit using their sonido. They could feel the intensity from his heat and pressure from a long distance away; his very reiatsu being so strong, it made the very ground quake. After a bit, they finally made it outside and everyone faced the doorway. "Is he coming...?" Starrk questioned with nervous sweat trickling down his forehead.

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